Before reading and TV dreams was all there was. The dreams are violent and tempted to rage. You got to have that dog deep inside you to just do what women think of us that is natural, it is not. So inside didn’t care that to what has been lain, the trip wire. The vampire world waiting for me to be something godly for you all to crucify and rob blind. It’s a long game for life to have it’s way, see what happens!
It’s dead. Just some way we all got played and leveraged. His almost unlimited affinity for the struggle. Was Jr duck hunting? Sacrilegious idea? He returns to his boat with a few less bullets. Wolf and TV get special yarn to weave a tapistry. They both return to the boat, “so did you find her?” “No, I wish I never came here.” “let’s play the cover song creep, am I right.” “I wish I was special…”
In his garb, he walks. Jr in cognito like the frog stalk’s a misquote. If the lesson kills you was it worth it, all human kind. Some one will pick it up and run with, not you. “I don’t want to battle her every night, bitch, dick lord to the elderly.” Jr fumes his frustration. He’s close, and has to psych himself up. She’s close.
Janus the portal guard of old. “Oh lanoo I got you now,” Jr says. Word came in that sister is in Paris. “OK crew gather up! We will be coming to Port soon. I will be getting some aged ham, cheese, wine, and other provisions please make a list of reasonable requests.” “A suitcase packed with speedos please,” says wolf. “Haha you lady killer.” Jr will be going in alone to find the hip hop queen of France. Sister senses that the jig is up, that she was praying to Juno that she could just live away from the salty dogs to be married to some famous rapper. Why Jr tries to get to her is not clear.