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Mudd is exactly right yes, still savoring gallantly. The mustard was made in part by plants or seeds locally. The eventual conclusion is that they were rescued by a quandary. Then green and blue were the colors. The ship was of station eleven the crew of three. The divine wonder was met on ground. The extraction is like any mission. To long to hard. “You might say, sweat smells there not here.”

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The mire of geni’s affection to the people had made the night what it was. Snake found waiting on Barren space rescue seems like it will never come. The tribe didn’t give a shit about our feeling as bad as the mind to think of life. Thank God it’s all a contest to be won living not learning, stop learning start living if only, but we could fish for the next half of the long wait. Lots of death thinking how the women all pray to corpses and the fire. So things were ok for them. It’s like this place was meant for Mudd. He cot the biggest fish and the men ate it. No women to be had here but geni, and it seems she knows more about this place then she let’s on.

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The buzzing of night was loud. Nature’s white noise, perhaps this planet’s cicada song. They were able to get food and drink for their hunger and thirst. There were several cots under a straw roof hoisted by nets tied from tree to tree somehow primative and interesting. It was obvious there were other beings that were responsible for the guests warm reception. Hidden limbs and hive mind was clearly in play here, some mother of all and ancient. They slept eventually into what is sleep that was never a guarantee.

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Snake approaches first with a raised hand. “Greetings, we come in peace.” The ferver of the thin men is at a high, they continue with their dancing. “Look were trying to to find supplies we’re stranded.” The chant loudens “who who who!” Geni notices the blood on the ground they are dancing around and the chief declares, “this is my universe!” Geni whispers to Snake, “They worship the blood God, and their burning animals they sacrifice.” “OK friends oocka boocka or what ever.” The chief responds angerly, “I observe the edge of the universe no one goes beyond! You stay here and I say when you leave.” “better do what he says,” says Geni. Mudd takes out a flask and tips it back, “well good.”

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The pod touches down on Daedalus COROT-7c, it’s like Earth. “Well here we are, broke again and stranded,” said Snake. The pod is broadcasting back to Barren space for assistance. The nearest space station responds and is months away. “Looks like we’re here for awhile. Load up everyone were going for a walk.” After four hours they the sun sets and a tribe of tall skinny figures brightly feathered dance around a fire. They approach the tribe.

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computer begins to speak, “train station.” “Look we’re here on business.” The screen goes blank.

“Christ!, don’t tell me those bastards are gonna ticket us, there just lizard lackeys unless you deal with the old mantis coders,” said snake. The ship gets pulled suddenly in a tracker beam toward a black hole and gravity sucks the ship closer. “It’s all over, we’ll never know why, a plant from the garden speaks through the ship com, “fly locked books, jump ship it’s over.” The pod detaches, jettisons the crew to escape. “Well played Grey’s,” said Snake. “They may have opened the black hole knowing we would jump ship. They won this round. The Grey’s were using the one of our plants in the garden somehow.”

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Mudd had said a lot to Geni about his transfering of the ships computer to a more organic operating system by way of crystals magnifying the ships plants frequency. Mudd had an interest in the seemingly impossible tasks, changing the mind set. “Not much here is there,” said Snake. The current sector is Zeta Reticuli. The game is asteroids of exotic matter. Three Grey’s appear on the monitors open channel. One of them has a red tie and makes a hand gesture of a upside down v. “Yes,” Snake says. The computer begins to speak, “train station.” “Look we’re here on business.” The screen goes blank.

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good times

Where is my instinct? Mental illness is thinking creatively in some ways but today’s psychiatrists are trained to believe it is just biology. My action like myself is flawed with mistakes I’ve inherited. Moreover the hollow reservoir is my current lot as I will stay there as best I can as my higher self the adult child, the base self the child adult, and self the twin child of which my inner has left me to the cosmos in search for help from earth’s society. Beyond the fridge & toilet to furthermore taking showers and eating the reservoir of the hollow that only cosmic intervention can correct where it was society that was the cause of the problem. Maltreatment has sent part of my self away and I dwell with the other self from the hollow reservoir. The result of this is stunning the very soul is made dizzy as my personality becomes fragmented.

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psychopaths discussion

A cosmic baby that never wants to travel back to Earth, where is he? Did he live within me at one time? My high thought is once you get out you never come back. That is what people don’t understand. How far out there did I send him? The hollow reservoir is my home now.
My twin self must be gone. For there is little for me to like as it seems. This obsession for things is what? Finding a way to be reasonably happy and content with my life and myself. The need to compartmentalize the operations of myself into spheres of needs makes it hard to transition from one to the other. Just be as annoying as hell to get to be alone with the tv. Demand that the other follow you commands. I knew I’ve seen demonic robot women before and it seems to me that this might be some of the software written to them the employment of evil and cruelty.
Great races, personality division, task management, & micro-thought.