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little_wolf part 2

TV does not think so. She beleaguer’s the beach surroundings, taunting, and flaunting her… well female parts scantily clad bra, shirt, and shorts. The summer was long and Jr was not the dad to some rag tag crew of hippie seamen and they no longer called him captain. Wolf as this is about him seems to be happy where ever he is like he has the ‘get out of jail’ free card. The unceremoniously sumarian not so good it seems to bind these fools once again to the ocean.

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Mudd says to Snake, “Where’s Geni?” “I thought you said you knew were she was.” “Nope. “Take a anti-depressant like everyone else she probably found a taxi back to Earth she’s safe there.” “Calliope seldom wished upon to be a childless and home sick,” says Snake seemly from nowhere like he didn’t care about the whereabouts of Geni. “Business brought us to do these things and lose so much here. Take me to my ship.”

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“You made me lose it all risking my ass on a sprint for this monster,” Snake pants as he catches his breath. “Calm down and meet me in the cockpit I got a cold beer for you,” Dub replies on the Com. Dub is human who whares a white mask with a vertical line down the center. “Do you want a clean glass princess?” Dub grabs a bottle of mead and pours it to a massive mason jar and sets it on the dash board. “I’m still mad though,” Snake cocks it back and drips down the corners of his mouth, and smears his arm across his face then sits down and begins to focus.

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Vis-a-Vis. Snake is oozing sweat and breaks the ice to the ten foot tall prisoner. “Hello, you understand me don’t you, Reptile screeches and snarls nasally and nods. ” Pack your bags asshole were getting out of here. Snake brandishes keys. ” Dub sent me. We must move quickly if we are to survive this.” Snake in terror opens the cell and immediately there is a issue, Murphy’s Law! The cell opening triggers an alarm and Reptile blows through Snake and Mudd knocking them on their ass. They chase after him. Snake gets Dub on the Com,”Get your ass here double time! North corridor hatch.” The follow the bodies on the floor to the North corridor were a ship appears through the window viewing bulk heads all along the edge of the station. Reptile makes it in the ship at the docking hatch a hundred meters in front of Snake and Mudd. On the Com Dub says,”You have eight secounds!” They run in full stride to the hatch in the high gear they weren’t sure they had diving in the ship together.

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The gully of the station a litiny of corridors Snake makes his way to stalock thirteen. The temperature is very cold in the lower levels. The first thing Reptile thought in the waking of his day was to stay warm by elevating his heart rate by breathing and stretching deeply in his cell. The prison guard was leading Snake to to prisoner 1138 by chance. “This the high value scum on this block.” Snake then couldn’t think of what to do now that he has narrowed in on his target but to get rid of her. The guard walking slowly in front of Snake and Mudd, and Snake moves closer and says, “can I ask you something about this over here.” The two move close and snake points to a panel on the wall then as she leans in and snake snaps quickly and puts the guard in a choke hold and brings hers to the ground. She loses consciousness and goes limp. “We must move quickly,” Snake says to Mudd. “Get her keys!” Mudd grabs the keys of the guard. “Showtime.” They make there way way to the vestibule to cell 1138 face with Reptile.

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Elsewhere in pirate space Dub prepares and mutters to himself “Snake you must be an idiot.” The station was a hot bed of all sorts of functions including imprisonment for of course some extra cash. Snake had no office with barren space so he was biting off more then he could chew. Ships were as it happens to be very hard to come by as it were. In the cells there dwelled prisoner 1138, reptile and very smelly, the target. 1138 happened to be pale a very high honor within his species. Snake goes to the financing office to grab a line of credit and says, “By the way I had heard that there is some business in prison management you know incarcerations.” “Sure but it’s a do nothing go nowhere line of business, not much to it like your line of work I’m sure,” says the office manager. “I’d like to check it out if you don’t mind.” “Sure.”

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Space station 47 time to pull some favors to get another ship. Snake had some good connections to get the financing. “Look to the pirates to sell you some rusty bucket,” says the station’s official. “Better get on the Com, Snake utters. The widows freeze up in the cockpit of Dub’s rust bucket. A message on Dub’s Com blinks, he accepts the call. “freelancer Dub here.” “Yes I’m looking for a ship.” “Well I don’t know why you’d look on pirate Com frequency we do not get along with the barren station business.” “ I am a freelancer of sorts too, only I have get along with the barren space expansion.” “I’ll tell you what if you do something for me I can get you lined up with a pirate who could get you a ship.” “Shoot.” “I want you to get a friend out of prison at the barren space station your at.

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I had to start Journaling again. Sorts clenex piles. Write a book and cry leader, despot. Shapes colors learn to smell

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“how’s the food, its good need more salt.” Cosmic was in the mess hall. “I’ve never been those fake holes got us.” That was nexus the screen read out: kill you mate Com board eight level. “Follow the curruption, I hope no one has Diarra.” “There funny Mr…”it’s just yes. Genius is the more inclined to Aquarian that measure fish and corn husker lot’s of carp boxed. The is Com is currupt life ominous much omen very small room.
The comedian on the far side, yes. Logic end hieght rotten from a mind vegetarian creation too. The last priest of the world just fallen, female black horse, right. Picture every ain’t salt. That is just your pride.