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“Where is the sun today, the clouds,” says Wolf. “Just a glimmer.” It’s a race to France, but Wolf was left in the Caribbean. To turn back would be what’s the line, oh yes tedious. This unfortunate lack of foresight is hard to reconcile. “OK, send Wolf on a helicopter and we’ll meet him half way, to save time,” says Jesus. “Good thing this boat has a helipad on it. Jr has inherited enough money to keep them going. Jr gets on the Com in morning when gets some coffee, and makes it happen by spending a lot on credit to get Matt and Brett to make the arrangements. Women scorned, Devil born Man bent, hell sent.

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Jesus shows up in Jr’s boat! “Holiness it’s God!” Jr says amazed. “Jr your right eye belongs to me, and you know that’s my blood you’ve been drinking.” “I’m taking the wheel, I’m captain now!” Jesus says. “Any questions?” “Hmm ah, I can’t think of anything, I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” “The dark forces are endangering us all, I thought you could use my help.” “I could use the help, of course.”

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The ‘Schells’ or as said ‘Yechidah China Neschamah’ rocks the vessel. “waves are a bit choppy,” Jr mutters. Betwixts the bed and the wheel, he hungers. Also the lunches he makes. He misses the men and women he was happiest with, Wolf, TV, and their divine wisdom of the sea. The keel was not even, not today. The dog knows when the storm is approaching, Sage.

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The captain quarters on the USS Denver were modest, but nice. He, believe it or not could do most things himself as long as he had his radio with Bret and Matt to guide him along he was OK. Time to plow some water to France. A lot of holding the wheel and looking in front of himself…

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He awakes in his bed, zap! The fraction of day begins. “Listen! Bret we tempted the sea and lost, now through me unto me were hidden in caves waiting for the herd assination.” “What are you talking about,” says Bret on the Com radio. “Don’t make me say it again you devil!, we lost!” It was in-fighting. Jr was lying in a bed of sin and “snakes” his cosmic langum. Those dark eyes she makes me do the leviathan my… Wife

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The life was a living hell for the limbic person who wished to dream. When it comes to ravaging the soul look no further. “They turned on me,” Jr laments. “Got to get them together and buy an island.” First he has to save Sister from her enthrallment to fashion and bring her into education, the real world. “Those God dam pairs, the mover and shakers. Forgive me.” Jr was on pirate radio broadcasting to your address and he’s got your fucking number!

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For some reason the characters became anti establishment and lived wasted scared of their past regret and future worry. Wolf had felt good about being a beach bum collecting change for dorritos and liquor. He was in the Caribbean living his life in the sun. Jr was trying to find Jesus for vengeance. His saintly anger was amazing. How to unite these friends from the seventies with their birthday’s all being the same, the fourth of July.

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Sister has found witch craft fascination and Jr Fears she no longer has respect for him, in fact he is certain. She seems to gravitate to places such as Paris, in those places et cetera. “Pre-minnoctus abhorrium pendulum chimera chiro, black & blue and white all over,” she says. Toward the end you’ll agree. Sister waits for a distant need be happening to occur like a child.