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The waters are warming. “When do you think will find land Jr? “ says wolf. “I thought you were our guide? “ “Yeah I guess we’re heading closer to the equator. “ “Not only is TV acting like a kid she starting to be isolated, spending a lot of her time in the crows nest.,” said wolf. “Dear God she losing it staring out at the stars, a star gazer!” “Teph, Teph sah”, TV murmers, no that’s not right what is it it’s something, no no I don’t want to go in the hole again. Posiden have them. No snakes to big good. Teth yes I losing my marbles. My heart moon mine!” The winds and air is falling on the whale. “Go check on her wolf,” Jr says. “TV are you OK?” “Yes I’m fine… I miss my mom.” “what?” “You don’t have a mom you’re an orphan.” “Am I? “ “Look we’re getting closer to land you’ll get a chance to sell some of your sculptures.“ “I through them in the sea. I thought that was the smartest thing to do. They all were bad.” “Do you want to join us for some music on the poop deck?” “yeah I have been thinking about that song, the third one. Net Net Geb Hod Bin Geb run. Snake bitch!!!!!” “Yeah that’s the spirit.”

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“Is there any solstice in being lost?” Jr says. “I don’t think we will die from this just being annoyed that the life is zapping life out of us,” says TV. The blue thoughts seems to abound. “Get your energy right, partition your brain to the new memory format.”

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“The flakes of snow Antarctica in our visions.” Jr laments. “oh gosh are we there,” says TV. Wolf angrily says “we’ve hit the fourth wall It’s nothing but illusion, the great Maya! “I’!l give you twenty bucks to tell me we’re the #&+:@’ we are” says Jr. Wolf says, “the ship has become a whale with its own mind my friends, it’s own destinations…”

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“Calm, that is sanguine hot blood you know they just don’t won’t to let you in the circle Jerk,” said TV. “The indignant dignitary short choleric not tall plus tolerant that is,“ TV says. “Are we all we just hitting the fourth wall together,” says Jr. “Abdicate from middle you far winded knuckle heads,” says sister. Oh the story needed a bitch. “TV was on some kick about being a kid again”. ‘Irrelevant…jibes me jibe you premonition hostage.’ good. “I’m sure it was something important,” Jr said. It’s called a girlfriend. Get one ‘radio fuzz.’ ‘It’s all we got’

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Le ohlem to art it seems. “yeah, getting better with persistence. You must of learned that from sister,” says Jr with a laugh. The boat had a way of making music, the banana boat coined from their need for sunscreen. Wolf was doing very well being the prospector by finding tuna on occasion, sorting out business negotiations and had a good sense about him. TV was working on her wood carvings with a plan that her art and crafts would sell on land. Jr says, “my dad told me when I was a young lad that we should ice fish with a bottle of Jack. I never made that invite due to wanting to chase women instead now look at us on icy waters giving a go at crab” TV was fanatic that she would catch a marlin one day but it was crab season. They fish but also do charter to earn some extra cash. They didn’t know if they all would commit to being salty dogs and not kill each other.

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Hot blood hold my hand… pouty eyes not haughty. Still complete shit. “When will it be my day in the sun,” says part wolf part fool, those yes, no compassion redeeming for us like wolf. “Two and me bitch! I owe¿ a lot of money to my better half.” Lots of time in the third eye. “Go figure how does that work?”