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downloads update

Downloads for music e.p.s are on site instead of an email link. I opted for this change for ease of use. Also, the Art & Poetry book is a download on site upon purchase as well.

-Joel Clark

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Music downloads format

Music files for download are m4a currently and playable in players such as dub music player. The original intent was for this to play on iTunes although I have not verified that yet. There are programs that can convert files although with toast program for my computer to I used m4a setting for download files there should be accessible ways to conversions for desired use.

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Purchases Forum

The download links for digital purchases is on hold currently that would normally be emailed upon purchase through the shop, but unfortunately the business account for the site is still pending for payments. This has happened to me before when setting up my original PayPal where I had to make some calls to get the account set up correctly.

I apologize for the wait as this gets resolved as soon as I can. The email download link should be sent out when the money gets claimed on the PayPal business account end.