Posted on June 4, 2020 by sjel22 Reborn from Battle I Thoth bring you back to living Shu & Tefnut from Atum your half Shu to reside back from hot air and lava in this Duat Through the lower chambers of Amenti I Thoth have delved you. Respect and find your brother your other half of atman Tefnut and discover the nine gates to reclaim the house of happiness 27 Now go! “Sure, Nice rags, this hat at least is nce,” says Jake. What a shit fest you fuck face he thinks. People shape shift here with no control over it NEXT TIME…
Posted on August 1, 2019August 16, 2019 by sjel22 Visions & Vicker Beware the Dream will figure you out. The ego the shadow must battle it out. The mask that our hero found some cheap Halloween costumes he fits to his face and thinks to a twin self and a mentor he used to know. The Sun and the Moon the Life and Death all in the mirror and not the purveiw of men to perform magic.
Posted on June 29, 2019July 17, 2019 by sjel22 As his mother drives him back to the house he grew up in. Jake is reminded of the field next to the water looking out the window. The field he woke up in within his dream