Code name ASS: cabinet construction
Category: about
episode ³ The White House Strikes Back
Insested with rage the thief marauder has become the last of an obsolete art form and the 48th President will be cursed by both God and the Devil to obey Joel to a better more communal experience so help me God
Return of the Joel
I’m not doing this alone. Nothing is in isolation
You’re going to move on to something better
You’re going to not move on to something better
The human family and Q quotient
Attack of the Joel_pt2
I’m the same as you-we all do the same things oh boy it takes a long time to get a crew. I push on forward from set backs and life goes on regardless of me or the quest of fame and subsequent cruelty in the land of dumbasses and those who don’t get it. Nibbling slowly on your soul…