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Psychopaths of Face_pt.2

Psychopaths of Face_pt2

I wish I never met her a person of interest that is in the midst of the retardation of the popular culture of our day. Chess was the only game she cared to play. She liked all the characters, and demands respect above all things. The rule of the house was to never be honest of your true intentions, but rather see to it by more deceitful more wicked ways. It started with AOL online and just got worse over time the kind of passing notes with girls wont and want to be someone’s girlfriend in hand writing. So he thinks there’s more then a caveat and suggestions to life then just dieing. He feels apprehensive and reticent about it. “There’s more to life then living. The cycles this is important to a psycho,” he says. He was in that room that God dam room in what he thought was a basement where he was told time goes fast here. “I believe you,” then I’ll fucking banish you, strike left on the triangle the sands of time. “I tried to blow it up,” did I tell them that in a lapse in memory. Count Abyss’s turban thrown against the wall along with pok`e balls like Ash Ketchum. “Get me a sandwich now,” he says before the face of the devil becomes full of pitted acne scars, “Don’t,” said the devil, but I did. “We’re getting there,” he says as they all attempted to hold him up against the wall. In this world of business there really are only three kinds of people for the obvious and the shooting star. I’m to good for you woman. “I need slaves,” he says to a psychologist in a frank matter of fact way. What kinds of ridiculous measurements. The Saint anger in him that he could set people free from hell for them to pass between stations to work for me, the gods are cruel and mixed with tears. Who sets the volume at the concert? It’s the baggage to choose to remember or forget. As it is the most violent tendencies to be God there is no opposition that can be accepted. Put the devil in it’s room. Look at her as her face flushing warning of being exposed. My disciple for nothing at all to offer. They swore they were in perfect harmony although they were to high to know it.

The summer heat and the three month cycle what was most yurned for. The haunting piano on the TV to the days of our lives soap opera. “Another day another dollar, but in our case no dollar,” he’d says as they filed out of the school bus in front of the middle school. On the way back “what’s on the menu today?,” he says in the hopes he would get his friend to comply in sharing his dorrittos. Well he made it to summer break that seemed to be the only goal. Memories twists and distorts or maybe implanted memories to recall a snake that lived under the front step and a raft off the banks of the river at the end of the road. Also he was a person of interest that being hard for a kid, the cosmic. Why the guise I like you not or do I? So, the retelling of the night and the monsters that lurked between the houses. The nightmare in the hall that whole week and terror sweating the time. “I’m the one choose me Lord, God I’m the one,” and I fucking hate you and cursed against you as a young boy then that dimension was opened. Then and there the vomit held in to puke to feel better, but scared and why the fuck did he sleep in the chair with God and peeled the Elmer’s off his fingers and leeches from his feet. He was stumbling to find a reason, which of course he had none. The white soft voice “be calm, please don’t,” but of course he didn’t listen and took matters into his own hands those hands that can be called fists. Train station and angry air, he wished to get answers as a herald of the times vassel of God a vistage in time, and so out the window over the fence and along the way a cup a clue a black bag a cactus dance the call to the master the DL on the coffee the offer. The scweel of scorching tires and the run away and the train and I’ll fucking sing the song myself. Riparian the sand hill the embassy the leaf.  The memory in the haze of a poorly lit room from a chandelier and the smell of food nausea for tortillas as feeling the future of later adulthood as he walks around the rooms of the house.  This in being different times and places with the focus of when a decision was made at a point life was not the same novelty or worth experiencing.

There a couple of bozos were there I think it was three of them doing wip-its an arisal drug behind a factory on the industrial business bulivard slipping in and out of consciousness or conscious awareness for a twenty second fade in and out a good way to kill brain cells with friends after a night at a strip club and a sex store. “I like your shirt,” they told him. “confidence.” Perhaps you consider romance books, or a cat. So there were all of those angels pissing in urinals in a row as a strange sight at the edge of town away from the city. He doesn’t like the antics though speaks to some and surely there is more… Lucifer all you do is speak in sin, make the poison last–the rule of the dragon the highest form the snake in spiritual form, which of course will happen- Dragon poison the last priest offers water. “How dare you talk to the whole host of heaven,” So they worked in a circle running in circles, the children the soup.  Finally the psychopath I’ve been waiting for, the two nights, the two keys, the arm and the leg, the caracel the stars. Your twin brother the evil one had a smart phone before everyone else an eternal generation of slow learners most of whom got out in the fifties. Holding on to greif the loss of life the worsening in time pleasentries out the window. The truth and white lies who will have his day and prevail. He’s in the water now, the sludge, the slew, and oatmeal. In his fagoty all white suit and the farmers daughter the smell of earwax and work of the worker in his dickie pants with gold toes socks like funyuns onion flavored rings snacks. The difference between lunch, dinner, and supper.

Someone else what’s it about for him? For her? They both were wasted in their own way, the age of metal lunch pales and the escape by aspiring escapist played out to the sun and son in the great escape to the East always to live and West to Die. Bunch of tree houses and football fields everywhere and the excuse not to torture the youth again to the voyeur extreme. No one was following her, they followed him in and out of awareness again. Mindless and mindfulness call each other names like things and stuff and they had stuff and things practice and the practitioner. The parasite and the changing of states, so the paradime has shifted between romance and narcissism, standards and expectations, it takes a village to stomp it out the raising of it and being closed off from it all living on a corpse. The blood thirst and optimism of men chasing the rag embracing the suck and staring at the wall. The progeny of her different laws, different systems, to create. It smells in here like tobacco, what a bowling alley. Four ply paper towel about eight sheets of paper, and what day is it? In that world not ours to those expecting the pleasant society it is not patience, but fun? When you get it you probably won’t want it and you will never want to watch it again, remember? Are you having fun yet everyone? No one knows nothing, right. Not a world of yours or mine and the killing of the imagination decade by decade for each generation. There I was taking a crap in the master bathroom lifting up my shirt as not to get crap on it. I was walking on my bike looking what was in the mail box and he had a pizza slice in his wallet so I set it on top of the dresser in the closet. He was saving it for later. He came out of his room wearing all his shirts he owned, “boy it’s hot in here.” I like it spicy. The heart can hate and the ego can inflate. I killed the dinosaurs and sank the titanic. He had a shit list that included Zeus and Zoastrians as well the three of them were in it Posseidon and Hades. The watchers’ so and what precursors did he have made in to him as in having fun and the only one alien brain no one can be smarter or happier than me and your failure to feel human do to the weather you hold or pass in leaving you. Maybe two years of studies as the captain yells “fuck it I’ll go live!“ Why didn’t God protect me? He is slow to cross the line he is slow to understand and he thinks this is his fault which it is not. Syncronicity beyond and through nature why? It’s color coded and he couldn’t see.

In hell there is a man who does numbers, a man who does shapes each a specialist in there own and when called upon regard each other’s work although this is rare. Yes there are shows some cartoons characters with a bowler hat or a show on about a lense of men from up above. Do you want animation or Christ and he’s the master. Well it’s on the grocery shelf and everywhere not to mention it. Up above it used to be called Heavel like the great up Heavel before the firmament and sky vault of sweet dried wild flowers, but any how what does this mean to the boy and the girl concerning a quandary of water and it’s empass. Dinosaurs his first love the papercut and blood and the taridactle on top of the car. The last time he held hands with her and his first book. Buckets under the cots to collect the piss and his Father drives in with all of the saints in spirit admits of castle Grey skull to clip his nails, but more to push his cuticles into his finger painfully and with a story “we push our cuticles in because we’re white.” The leader there also taught him, but mainly she liked to observe him and talk with him. She had dried spittle on the corners of her mouth and she witnessed him spreading kraft cheese layered between the two crackers and on top with a red plastic stick in amazement “magnificent.”

As he slowly became cosmic he had been mezmerized by a VCR in a trance fixed on the machine. There he was traveling from planet to planet as he progressed or in this romanticized regression of the ideal of a golden boy who somehow left naturally in adulthood as leverage of a life and accumulated worth. The poison and dragon sickness, tall tree, long shadow, the crane above, the snake beneath the water surface. At the circus Brothers there was popcorn and do you know what this is? He did not. There but not there.

She was on a quest for power and fame, end of story, but why not keep the story up? Nothing to offer him not even water, but inside she was funny. In seven years she was on top of Mount Rushmore humping the air with a film crew “amazing.” Wanting to be surrounded right where the action was at. She took a lot of advice from her mother as a bases of her self esteem, and money from her father because she was worth the pictures and lifestyle. There were other people responsible for this of course who got to her young on the internet program MySpace and Facebook were she made herself into a video game to collect the coin. Why she was better than him she wanted to be friends with all people as long as she could be seen or document how modern she was with the times. The family would love this, except that there is no family anymore as far a human family. Does it have to be so shitty for him the one who crossed his path and what does it matter they can’t see. He is here to teach but he can not be a motivational speaker or something. The crux is in the gratification of one’s self naturally or others not so honestly by its self more by necessity. The path is the path as long as your on it whether straight and narrow or twisted and narly. If you would expect me to tell you how to make money then you are mistaken. The characters are the same, a guy, a girl, and who can think and would could tell. You can’t find the bottom from the damage of a woman who causes everyone an eternal problem of existence. The mind is part of the body, although not the slave to it, but more like a seat of the soul.

Their trying to castrate you literally in all there actions because they can’t keep their shit, of course you may have heard of you can dish it out but not take it as far as these people really believe in that one specific person is a limitless well that can be used however unwise they see fit, very stupid people indeed they are to act this way. We look down not up climbing the rungs of the endless expanse of ropes tied cosmicly by God trying to get  somewhere…

On the topic of moving on it is easy or it may be hard dependent on one’s character. If one speaks on it deals with it or in anyway misses the goal of avoiding bad days, rough patches, or even worse set backs the longer the worse with regards to sucking nature or to aline it with your own. Preying on one’s mental illness as a form of a commodity  to enrich one’self by another’s misery either directly or indirectly. Between a guy and a girl a completely different utilization of this. A quest for sex ”let it go,” “embrace the suck,” he says she says. “There I go and there I was.” Self evident to anyone who believes in a good God that to be able to think is a gift to all although also a decision not be evil and cruel. You go somewhere to get somewhere and get something before you got something…  Competition brings out the worst in people. “You call that searing pain,” he says. On the couch in the safe zone evidently speaking of course. He lived alone mostly watching anime and smoking cigarettes “It’s not that bad guys,” he says to himself. “Let’s Netflix and chill and I have cable and an internet connection it’s pretty fast.” He would use his imagination when he watched the shows such as star trek that included strong and attractive women.  He never was able to find one for himself though, how unfortunate in the ways of love.  Complacent to you all accepting what I don’t like, He thinks. “It’s a dying planet,” the malignant tumor proclaims. Looking to the future of what science fiction writers do such as a master of psychology and what causes almost all things to happen.  All tilt to a world in which they themselves are the authority.  In ransoming the youth upon every other causes the alignment of the few.  Trying to find the center, the pathway to feelings that has nothing to do with practice in this, it’s simply you talking to yourself wanting control over my hands at least in poverty.  Actively trying to write your story unless by someone else decidedly perhaps.

Struggling to find his words he wakes up to the day “You’re one of us you just don’t know it,” the darkness had said last night. The memory of the past still resides on Earth. The eyes blur staring out the window at the trees.  As far as the worst things to happen to tare families apart by far is the TV unequivocally in combination with Satan.  The narcotics of NBC television of all their team assigned to transfer their demons and transform the person into a completely brain washed and programed person has been proven effective.  These people are not your friends the end result of years of bullying by them towards me has had taken my mother from me so that they can feel they have power in a house they don’t live.  How surreal.  The lie: you will be the best at something. Well this best of all, the opportunity to put someone down in a burst of flipping out about anything at all.  Besting all the rush of the truly pathetic.

Am I evil, “yes I am, ” he thinks.  What is that name, what is wrong with you, what threatening consequences.  That’s like saying I can’t drive fifty-five or get all the love in the world essentially unable to abide by laws or limitations.  “I’m just a stupid man cutting down my opposition.”  He was fighting the establishment.  The pack with Satan on a nickel not to have the phone line to me or radio chatter to annoy me. “I dropped the fork.”   “What of your coder?”  well that is smart I suppose. The blood biom and the cyst not to glorify, exsult, then what?  In digestion the process is to eliminate things that are not needed.  Where is the pedigogy of a teaching here, you have to ask.  “I hate life more than living,” his retort.  All the women are controlled, not by humans, this control  struggle has always existed from the beginning.

The power struggle against nature of natural transformation as transpired development that is to say potential impeeded to the problems of conflict favored for desire of the complex fetishism of history and violence should not be reached at the cost of their dimes. This is of course understanding why anyone does anything.  The natural understanding is aided by psychodelics, otherwise it is blind faith by humans and dollar figures above animals and food.  Admist coders and proxies the other side and unseen self love is a sin to these things.  Among those who would accept nay embrace the position of life, death, sexual mechanics, and herd disposition this is only a path of knowing less than joy of ponder, that is until all is known then these things would stop, then what.  Don’t lose your grip, the only thing that is real if then not here there. Aforesaid our dear reader this is known every force makes an echo.  A case of severe infraction on the part of our relationship the dreadnought.  System of models fifty fall men all in a chain to the factory, the mother, the head vampire, so to speak.  The gene bank of Nimrod kept in a temple.  Twelve monkeys with horns, the horned ones, the broken statues, a central fire the return point.  The carnac was the symbol in rune stones in a circle.

“l’d probably be a hermit if I wanted to be a good student,” the insider advised.  The caring between the flower and the fleging man was the best year of the soul. “08 is going to be great.”  The past is over and like a memory sold to the bounded to be forced to listen.  The bird that lied, the shadow like a sticky hand from a gumball machine inside a capsule.  Increasing the environment to start to take notice that among the times those who say “I Am” have seemed to in age look in more on their work between the realm of awesome to mundane.  Bound on a case on the love of another, for all your happiness depends?  Deeply involved in one’s life?  He did a little karate the hidden hand back in elementary school fundamentals including right hand right knee layup.  As the old lady who had her yarn and utensils knitting through the plastic grid.  Rackets and various hand eye reaction on the object relay relay relay.  The dolphin seems to be the weapon to men by evil then what of Hellen of Troy this Hellenistic period and heliocentric sun from after Alexander the Great to the first century wherein the Trojan war the Greeks had won as Hector lost to Achilles, but Hector would be happy knowing his people were to found Rome. Then what, there is no now what the nature of civilization then but to end, “more like when isn’t it.”  A swatch of color.  The architect the erotica and exotic propensity prosterity to build Opus Tertium.  Two vials of what can only be imagined as important to whom it may concern.  Posterity for future prosperity hexagonal in distorting the circle the universe is flawed in which one, there is no inherent meaning, only to hope there is.  A psychic charge like an eruption creating cycles of an allergy to dust, disgust, to suspect psychopathy as chief cause of movement to viewer beware origin to first cause, disgrace.  Hate may be considered the biproduct otherly from this first cause.  The effect and the reaction; the reverse of one’s self, but how others behave to the viewer of one’s self.  The three that took too much of the pie as super criminals exploitation of getting from give me your sick and tired standing statute.  The high ambition of trying to keep time honest spending time or serving it.  Also other forces that factor into getting in our way shall be called temperamental and volatile.  Purvayer of secrets and convayers of information in obstacles and in aiding both.  This fruition of own is the same as no thoughts both good and bad beyond action preceding it knowing manifestations that occur is to be willed and is only known through manifestation what will is.  Own is to have to belong to you that priori is to say self and to hold to one’s self centi etymos above the head aitia your own sin from birth is what you are do to the first cause.  God must be evil by this line of thought although this leads to a greater expanse of the mover of all things beyond views of goodness being that of life or of his concern in deism.  You are someone’s thing to live with no knowledge of why, so therefore the only constant is that you do what you see fit to live. There is no plausible thing else to do. As art forms present through people so does thought forms giving manifestations to the visible world.  The house has it’s motives and directives through the extension of the inhabitants.

Don’t forget the tiger that won the night.  Then the work really begins that this story’s aim was met while the soul is at odds no longer, but the king of Nothing with his art took everything and is in the way. The intellect like an inner child is never too be found.  More apt to interact with low fourth dimensional parasites.  Dependable maybe, reliable not at all.  “Delivery me political power,” he says.  “I can’t just give you money,” to save face as if that was the reply of the devil.  The structure of the illuminati has alien directors if not leading from the top then at least over their operations on Earth.  The idea of nefarious watchers picking and choosing as a government taking and giving. “You are a million light years away from the other one.”  “All made up by wizards, so you can’t live there.”  Anyone’s guess at this point yet guarded against fantasy to a point and degree of course.  You are the Ying and Yang of energy and focus that is seamon emission and reality.  Also the dualistic nature here for him that has yet to be surpassed in ideology formed by his experience that is of course to say the next step in evolution being subsistence a break from consciousness.  The belief to have one man beyond any previous person given the authority to govern the world as called by the prime directive in some sort of quasi profetic prophecy is yet to happen of course extremely radical. Government by Heaven and Divine in aim, but wouldn’t work or could it?

Leveled that hate towards you. “He get’s that.” From the one who is gone, says a community hid behind lives on the periferal towards the fringe of people acting in very disproportionate acts to status that only could be leveling at you the karma of what any poor persons knows about as a preyed upon group in victimization.  The cyber empire took the business of music as it was to a different profession now. The art seems alive by well pampered egotistical handful of factory artists well pressing the limits of exposure who will not step out of the way, but who could blame them. This a lie in front of ill informed consumers opposed to those who feel the heavy death over this time. It’s over for him dragging on in this over whelming circle he stepped in.  Duped over and over it has been in a tactic of loneliness and survival without a purpose on a long path of identity that echos why am I to explain who is human and who is not.  The world keeps closing in to confinement in knowledge of the truth, that is ultimately we are all are in this alone.  If you are like him people will blame you for their short coming and lie to you.  There is enough for the template to make a interactions with the other half of the population by interface observations.  Being held back was the plight to growth being what he thought an individual for him through the past to a normal conception of development to white space, the place of enjoyment in creation and ability to take control over one’s circumstance.  The only real thing that becomes known is to occupy the highest office one way or the other.  This is known of course to a point and degree that the quest for power, words, and cruelty will always present a problem to human society.  Fix on the ficsation anything you remember is profound depending on the level of dreams.  “You’re going to have to interact, you’re going to have to contribute.”  Neptune and Pluto have made contact with him, the rest is up to him as to what next. The house tries to divorce him, like he will fall back on a detatched father a hilarious non option.  Get down or go around hug the ground of stuff and things liberate and deliver self and time.

Dependable not really, reliable not at all.  Starting at the same place the metrics of life would suggest he is in last in most tangible things.  Space troopers and misses among other things it becomes possible to hack the simulation at least in regards to a larger ethos, as to what collective is unknown.  The only goal out of reach a method of extraterrestrial travel making the game very simple and controllable.  Dynasties and monopolies to assimilate while adoring the prison walls with art to ease the imprisonment.  Why disgust is so similar to love in almost all respects it elicits the response to matter and smells like fascination with objects most posed as stimulus more than intangible things, I suppose ownership of something.  Strength is found in absense of these things in holding on to the truth, aloneness is greatness.  Lord of the flies is the example of true behavior when found in a story that groups for humans is for the most part dangerous as polorizing to King or Queen rule being absurd for the common low thinking comfort that solidifies large sections until the monkey learns Shakespeare or at least talks in rhymes.

Solidifying a day, a week then months will follow.  Self strength comes in being honest, dealing head on or vis-a-vis with yourself, not running from the pain that often seems need be hidden.  I believe in consequences for hiding the pain more than the process of correcting the pain to make it not continue on you from not acknowledging it.  Don’t mistake that being a bond in action necessarily by temperamental emotions that may be the situations actions play on a foolish level, the cause is much darker than you are aware and that makes it painful because they just get off on it.  Dismantling the government and social division is driven by these self hating “black crystals” always sucking dick, but not in the conventional sense.

Hate is exhausting and can devour much the same as negativity.  The hope is that having spent enough time in that state the cycles of darkness can expose the bad actors, and they feel the hate they themselves don’t face up to by the unnecessary negative emotions they provoke like breathing, subconsciously.  Again, the action here with the according mood state is to be determined by giving it it’s proper due then moving on.  A wounded dog should not be the role of a human in that returning to a master again and again after being beaten.  This is a sick relationship that begs the idea of a living hell, so let hell take these people who create that on others.  Do not judge others less you be judged comes to mind in retort as what humans should be subject to.  As to mood based decisions that consequently form lasting beliefs draws in question the original criteria or intent that may go beyond rational rationale.  Relinquish rationality if it does not serve you, but then it serves someone else.

How funny he has to believe or the mundane facts tower over him, people just want to be okay that rising window that is missed, next around not known fearing life to be all mental combating a suicidal infection or sword over your head to know that can hardly be commented on just thought of somewhere else they are sorting things out for these people.  To make things worse the truth in spiritual matters, such as comprehended from the indigo Chakra to see in these matters the parasites that cling to a host inducing psychological states and neurological pains can be visualized and indeed comprehended and possibly communicated with.  The function as to what is felt seem to be that of negative in affect that is to say undesirable.

Look for those who get empowered by evil and cruelty they are not normal people. This rush elicited is a feeling that can be felt by hurting someone close to you such as a family member and asserting a higher position on the totem pole.  With the ability to accept unseen burdens as existing, to know little as to the metaphysical, this causes the knower of little to pursue activities that have uses in this pursuit to know more.  The system that has not yielded contentment to this person, then one may find other means to fix the problems of the living in accord with one’s self.  The intermiedary is the unseen that has little to do with good traditional aims as the intermediary most likely can not be trusted in things beyond it’s own plans.  This knowing little has made trouble as how to approach the unseen.  This problem presents itself side by side in the living world as self destructive forms of behavior like comorbidities.  What do you think they do all day, sometimes go to the grocery store.  Money does not solve everything, and he is not likely to be in a situation as having all he needs to do what he wants.  The psychological problems for him is addressed rather then protecting his interests as the style of his is living cheap then ask again how would you want to spend your day.  What strategies to employ in the uniformal passing of time, but the eye toward things to gain ownership of.  What is happiness really then, is it derived or contrived?  Only an measure of the absence of pain would be the others position who holds happiness.  How by the measure did the balance become so uneven with this we can be sure.  This taking care of one’s self has been hindered then by those close enough to impact him without blaming but addressing that.  He believed he got ahead of time turning the wheel himself built up to a frenzy fury yelling at birds and weather.  He really believed that they were intertwined with his mood and messengers. Of course he crashed and burned. Saturn could not allow himself to be behind in his schema.  The plot and trap were laid on a Friday evening in June.  To be on top of the world that is go out for drinks with a friend downtown.  Letting the devil have his way the condition of the episode was set.  Survival got himself home fine like always, but no he had to go out again to save his friend from the hospital he was being committed.  “Well alot of people got in my way.”  The briefest explaination is his warrior traits manifesting.  Back home again to wait for the cops the next day.  I hate life more then living the vampire stock for life the over played phenomenon of us to it, that is separating life from the lot of the living we find us.  This teacher and also time and death along side that we will want to be excused of as basic facts of reality.  Messing with time then reality becomes absurd as far as rules and windows in time being what they are in development.  A coalition of players impose the facts of reality: Life, Death, Time, and where are you then that’s what you are is established that makes sense and is no surprise.  Who cares?  I can see you should the eyes behind you upon your waking hours working and going behind the eyes as they say here not here fundamental escapism.  Religon the way of living is our right.  Philosophy talking about our choice in how we live in conscious awareness of being e.g. ontology to the style of living with accordance of thought.  Both offer statutes and guidance in this endeavor of living.  Again separating life from the living is important in this awareness.  Life may be seen as the teacher ruling over your own physical life on planet Earth. Life to living, work to learning.  The belief similarly in astrology given to a person at birth a preordained personality. The ordainence in life, as much of is, as an even more impactful consequence.  “He who gives more is truly blessed,” the ordinance of work in serving the higher Arts giving away one’s own health this deleterious and insidious task.  Was it set in pernicious atonemen thereby paying for good years from bad years?  Heavy mood agitation and rambling he in his excitement and anticipation of spirit would launch into a series of explatives as a presenter, that refrain being loosely maintained from that to moderating the antics and gimics.  Typically the refrain is “fuck you, that’s why” and “fuck you, it’s your fault.”  “I wouldn’t want to live someone else’s nightmare although that is probably what is happening,” he thinks.  The two rooms in his space become one where nothing happens and the other too much is going on.  The amount of stimulus is always being dialed back and forth.  The getting of one’s sea legs with mental illness is a case of awareness and the progression or “graduating” from one mental illness to another such as first being shy then depressed, bipolar, dread and despair, schizoaffective, then psycothapy, and ofcourse a practitioner of magic. The last being the understanding of superstition and the resulting psychology.  The “one that doesn’t get it” and the path that entails brings a search and longing to find others to relate too.  This is like saying something is wrong with you even if it’s not apparent to being a more self fulfilling prophecy.  One who has a precious view of others possessions has a state of wanting seemingly for what is normal.  Too much time alone to put it plain and simple.  This per say may seem innocuous although as amount increasing inundates the person to being in the mind not the body.  Social interactons changed as well as the person himself being less and less.  “Rock is dead,” “comedy is dead” this being addressed in their respected industries.  Synthesizing this, that trapped in these parameters the outcome fosters disorder states of health or well being in organizing or rationalizing one’s self with the world.  The confinements or restrictions being held psychologicaly and physically.  The new dimensions of experience is molded or assisted by the powers that be and that being said is withheld to those who have the ability to attain this most likely by means of fortune alongside connections to people who support the efforts in this. This being not the case outwardly for those “one’s who don’t get it.”  The crucible the ring of truth is given to the “one who doesn’t get it” by the fires and frictions of hardships.  This great leaders know.  Now he takes “care of number one,” looking out for himself more than entertaining others , this is like a reckoning for him and a darker philosophy.  “I respect those who respect themselves,” he thinks.  The gimmicks and antics get more cold and matter of fact loud or cussing his situation.  To continue with this line of thought is the split to the use of language to do the work explaining it and working on people helping them out with the twists and turns, pushing pulling, and tearing of being affected by injury of pride and vanity and the ego holding it’s belief of it’s self as the “character” that holds it. Life, Growth, Death folds in Time as the player operates on these characters.  Dangerous ideaology is placed on most these levels the ego goes through.  Active and passive forces; passive, leaves room for evil in discerning inaction with permissive conduct of regents of knowledge and standing.

The friends may excuse my personal bs, that it’s like saying we made a night of it or put on some coffee.  If they were to come down on him he would be waiting bare foot.  He spent some time in a dinghy garage taking phone calls leaving messages being on a conference call even selling chocolate with the things that did not belong in the house.  He said, to him “I’ll call the sheriff,” let that sink in on a call to put threats back then to where it was going as to the manner of relations of what Lengths their bs takes to someone on lesser ground in what seems then like a form of combat to some switch/es in the minds that are blocked off to others and only controlled by the ability in refusing to believe things that are harmful psychologically. Explaining now what we already know seems futile as there is no real reason too, unless now the only cards to play is telling one’s own truth that the coluor can leave the lives of people when the well runs dry leaving them empty.  Not exactly wanting to know what you do in the bathroom or what I was thinking, what do you want if you don’t know I swear to God that she does, and I lost my mind not to have a wife as biology has not served him well.  There are things put in places by no fault, all things beyond not losing freedom of speech, the last and only thing in this life is the living word.  Have to make jokes in this endeavor as a process not wasting time in bullshit as rewards incentive as part lecture and caveat and ideas that have no place for it hum silence rebuke shake temper control twenty eight houses of the moon in a dark circle to control it to be human in the sense of the word no deed to be a person in all respects of the word find addiction medication feed means to be without You. Do me a favor unfollow me or be an adult have fun!  Assualts on me have added up and I just try my best in defense of these attacks.  More trauma and terror in the brain being buried by focusing on any projects very slow as the will to do anything shrinks edging closer to despair again and dread of waking bad dreams. It’s not a life worth living always captive by situation more time more time unhappy unable to find that thing. A three-hundred dollar car that needs work a new driver’s license.  Dam the time spent here the longer the worse I think we all know that.  People are all insane I see without finding a connection to life or recconnecting to it we all are lost empty and lifeless forms of annoying children of the Earth to spread unease and terror by now understanding who you can take down driving others mad is their game.  What soulless murdering creatures.

Did I get over my skies or over my head, of course not as being in the right mind half the time explaining myself or about me to others. Are they stupid, no they just don’t care or respect you well we all get what we deserve I guess.  Sleep is a reward of work putting up with activity that is set to bodies rumbling all over and around. You pay even in prison for some sorts of amenities to that end and sort of things that bring us closer to being human to have to wear earplugs.  He being a king of nothing fights for simple things that he would explain that being normal.  The explaining it is you going in and out of one’s own nature to explain a moment or endeavor.  Mental illness is people refusing to be adults for themselves so they make real adults mentally ill by the need to disassociate.  I guess retarded kids with ape level brains for parents.  Quit the night and seek the day has been his energy being directed as he when possible sleeping early into the night and waking early in the day. The conditions have been set in this way also, to find what work to do with precious little amount of energy and focus to make progress, and maintain sanity the shaping more productivity in aims; and positioning for some advantage that would improve the life he has, that being closely related to making money as there is something to that where this should come as no surprise.  What it is about for some or what may be found for many in biology is the levels being targeted for the release, or what social categories, may or may not to be claimed in his life, this goal similar to achieve, and byproduct of peace in your house or wherever.  The restraint behind the eyes is stashed in the can repressing the man by connecting to life, not connecting to the self and how we really feel in managing time always something to do, not that you want to, or maybe thinking of anything worth thinking about. An exercise or rediscovery of being human from each time around, and surpressed from sex laughing at the time gone by past his prime.  The path of his craft brings it’s assurances that the affect of the arts and the affairs of the artist distract and prolong a sort of perpetual purgatory that just means a person is human in proving that in a way to earn that determination by ways broader than linguistics or languages both visual and auditory traditionally in products consumed by the few to acknowledge that package not suitable in mass, not spelling it out to a Marshall law of the internet in control of the algorithum. That being monetized to a few with less human qualities and destruction of human qualities.  It’s all very controlled by now for years who have set up online monopolies to serve what cyber empire is unclear as to what.

She new what they did, not what he did to himself as to him being a run of the mill trick.  Yet a trick was the term of this endeavor that being said protection in interaction seems the non brooch thing here.  Gentlemen of the basic understanding has less worries of men, but more of the society or worse the culture.  Heart of darkness, intellect of perception, self reflection, this process is left to reason to proficiency to progression in methodical output to product lessening the need for joy to reach joy.  The hope in humanity and it’s failing biology doesn’t it leave some behind in the development game of instincts leaving behind natural stimulus leaving behind the joy of life etcetera.  Here, there, not here, there, how is it on your end?  A person is not held to the standard of all other people, that is to say “fuck em,” though the game of chess is played to win.  Eveyone does in someway try to make money or concern themselves more with biology; hedonism in whatever forms.  Joyless for joy of functioning as to living, learning, life, and work.  The game is to reach those who have more understanding then yourself to aid by alliances into better things; healthier, happier, smarter then just trying hard and self talk of “doing well” whether that’s true or not.  Occam’s-razor that the most simple explanation is the correct one.  This to the wandering intellect and inner centered person has seemed lost upon, in what makes a person happy or as to what to do or why anyone  does anything.  The only thing they can do is try to communicate themselves to others falling short of validating responses and disappointment.  This place is believed to be in if it serves you seems ego centric to focusing all matters of functioning and self esteem in what you do.  Without an ego you would not be human, you would be disembodied or disassociated from the sense of self.  This character that is the self is being negotiated with the ego and the ego is placed in negotiations between the mind and soul known as the psyche.  Self contains character ego and psyche of the human psychology and cognitive mental faculties.  Sentient and aiming ambition and drive to feel better than being in pain and question the nature of being and placement of the self in a larger world in relation to others. Processing, interpreting, or reacting the sober mind is very aware of being in it’s self, whereas the preturbed mind finds moments to escape the self in creating that being the arts as well as any other areas of creativity.  Being distraught in mind is more akin to exhibiting stress and expressing trauma.  The vampire of activities of submissive passiveness, that is energy lethargy a game with no opponent.  How do you play to win, by what measure?  “I’m squeezing an orange,” the honest appraisal of days being too long, and biology of loneliness awareness in psychology being a outcast that a champion of spirit leaving no other choice. “Another year on the books.”  Counting this by times around the sun.  “That puppy love is over with life,” as a chapter in a book seeks a sort of ending to a day’s event to pick up the next’s continually until the writer calls it some what sporadicly at a spot in the events covering the progression until conflict becomes closure or someone dies and is reborn still being true to the school of life.

A person walking back and forth in a bedroom several times each day. People running up and down stairs each day. A baby screaming a dog barking.  A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow, but not submitting to not putting off tomorrow what can be done today.  The need for the mind to rest with nothing known to happen that can change without long time of slow turning of wheels checking off lists, and putting up with peoples bullshit if not the the mental illness.  The men who fought in wars then have Post Traumatic Stress Disordes and would experience Panic attacks as what has been known more commonly acknowledged as being the continued experience after the military service.  Everyone knows someone who has died proving death has reached close to their life taking people away while you continue doing things that children do and have little to say as being an adult.  That being said people have no respect for an adult because so few have an idea of what that’s supposed to be like.  This endeavor to adult conversation is the places found inbetween the leaving of other people.   Seperating yourself from others by what fate can’t truly be known leaves a planning for time to be with yourself later.  The place things happen as opposed to a place one waits to leave. Actively opposing fate to make life for oneself as opposed to life happening to you by others and imposing rules that seem to be confining to the point of producing struggles toward living in a way that is absurd to a greater extent egregious to the free thinker.

As you know this is about living in apartments, hospitals, and jail. People are crazy in those places and in those units it is not a peaceful experience for the sensitive to stuff kind of person. By God it’s by poverty and fates design to have bad experiences, setbacks, and bad stretches of years. Until fate has taught you as it has me this seems to be unavoidable as simply bound to happen. God as an idea must be evil. This is also the point of this author of pain and writer of fate. She will try to talk to you through the  hall wall ceiling or balcony as hell has fury not quite up to snuff with the ones you can find living in such places.  Much of this is explaining time and the mind not only individually but also as human beings.  This one point of view has been met the trappings associated with a very limited experience.  The small hope is to appraise and assess the intellect to aid the soul in so much as writing may.  The man he is now may be rotting from the inside. He can feel the push and pull of assessing the situation, but very little in accepting it.  Everything thing is measured for self worth in work and play.  The mixing and confusing these two things has negetive effects in understanding how life works.  “I am alive so I gues I’ll deal with it,” his mantra perhaps or the less practical “lucid dream spiral deep spiral sleep lucid dream…”  The thinking is like running a computer that brings ideas to the mind, while suggestions come from any number of things much like an impulse.  Knowing increases the little to do with the time. Work sleep repeat is the person making a living.  The human being aspect is more towards enjoyment and finding fulfillment side by side alone and by others acknowledgement of works to facilitate that. This would be how self-esteem is derived or contrived.  This dichotomy not integrated well brings hard shifts that grow continuously bigger in separation in Lengths of time.  Content creators not to be confused with entertainers as the later could be used in a wide range from any conception, and is enslaving the human race as it is pushed at greater extents more and more.  A show about life, rather than living life. A very one sided acquisition.  Being proud of getting to the point that is of character trait against preferance of the individual like your whole entire life and her abnormally small vagina.  Really doesn’t even really want too in avoidance of pain tells lies in this being used against anyone who need to know that it isn’t a sneer to tell a story, but truth and lies about having sex and performing fellathio at the tender age of young men and women eighteen nineteen years old. For years my Mom was defending a person in the house that didn’t even live there or ever met.  When he thinks of Jesus he realized that was another person that who could defend having never have met him.  Without having a spin on living in the world, that is managing the truth by trying to screen out the facts of that being human is not for everyone.  The thought “I never asked to be born” comes to mind, not that was ever a serious argument.  Knowing what not to do seems even more important then what to do.  For this is the time of fear of others imposing behavior towards enforcing a system of servitude.  The amount of truth in anything seems outweighed to things that serve the system.  How then is this fixed?  He does not presume to know as he looks to either talk and respond, and has less to ask of others, more of a need to prove life is more good then bad while being honest.  Much more may be for him as if demons get sway only wanting to bring out the worst in people and in him, but the people are the ones who carry out the unpleasant things as they in the most part are to blame in the extent that demons are not to be seen clearly as humans are in the connectin to any act of strife towards one another.  On the scales is the pound of flesh that is demanded by the system which is made up of people of course serving it. That is the system demanding servitude to it much in work and less in reclusion or freedom in recreation.  This brings the Leisure time being discouraged more in the system and challenges the natural order of things toward competion.  He finds the rule of polarity shows itself such as fantasy and reality.  A needy whore and those who crave attention that life would be easily controlled in achieving these things where as for him the genuine attraction to build and share affection has never been easy to achieve.  So, in this competition for these things brings these backwards people different ideas as to what is important.  Someone who now doesn’t know what true affection is, is then forced into a moment of realization, to tell the truth, that of all of Shakespeare stories amount to is only a leather jacket that an uncreative unathentic person wears to get laid that really has nothing to offer, just picking upart the scraps of souls of artists much like a vulcher feeds on a dead carcus.  While the last practical need of any person is the need for a house to live in that is why men work and why women get married may be an extrapolated point to life of common folk.  The reader may extrapolate at this point as well that not bringing another life into this world is the only conclusion.  He most certainly knows this as he thinks, “unless you have enough money or the right connections the kids would just end up being miserable schmuks who have to work to live, paying for their existance.”  The system has continually ran this way i.e. randsoming the youth. Most of what an average life amounts to is paying for a house and your own funeral.  He thinks, “I don’t know that I would do anything differently,” as to what he could have done knowing himself and fate to have changed anything for a much better life at thirty-four.  It should be for him to take on his own terms as little they may be to cope in that this game of life that can only seem to bring a general feeling of unhappiness that stretches years amounting to stories like ours.  The intellect and talent is also ransacked to entertain others without compensation much to the game being rigged from the higher ups picking and choosing who to back and promote as a packaged product.  God bless those who may find other ways to get success, but at this time does not seem possible.


For there is no easy way to describe the lives of two people. One is a man the other is a woman.  Given a guess as to what that one my dear reader may be best accommodated to be would be the other half of this story, at why they would care to read this much like who pays to view porn on the internet?  I suppose then there is the computer and screen, a one time payment mostly then the internet service fee and electric monthly payment.  Other than that there is no transaction agreements for men to view women as sex affection actors.  Welcome to the world of dialectis.  What good are the days off from work other than it’s a day you don’t have to go to work.  Working most of the time in Living and in Art Philosophy and Music, not being paid to then in work that is laborist or tedious to manage a credit card.  The universe makes him less than an individual and more a part of it’s possession, someone’s thing it holds like property.  That being said being subject to that not except from that.  In thinking the writer views the grid of space of a cube surrounding the the electro magnetic poles of the sphere of the planet.  How the interactions of mind and soul play in a life not to mention religion or philosophy as less important.  Unless in suspended animation and of dimensions of invisible matter that traverse the system is there hope the show of life can transpose the trappings of the material and corruption of a passive God.  A writer and a show seems to be the reality here, although dreams can seem more.  To repeat, fate the wheel against a ambition of man best to write your own story if so pure you had bowed so deep with abstinence or aceitic celibacy of sorts to the tune of twelve Moons of Saturn and Lording over Jesus Christ.  The pass of death and of hell the savior brings your soul to the Father in Heaven.  To prove belief it is necessary to commune together to be able to summon a room in artesian magic by putting pressure on the water and taking power from a sun.  I question scraping my teeth with metal hooks a questionable to my health.  Something of questionable style is of spaces not of clean sanitary environment such as hamburger and cuts of meats attracting Flys surely.  “Does he not know we are in Hell,” said a king, an addict a friend. This as working together in magic as the practitioner hates a mistake in his crazy frightening control of spirits.  He holds his place of his own lifestyle. “Boom Shakalaka,” speaking telepathically he supposes is possible decerning his thoughts and that of others.  Needing to address what he doesn’t like about himself always such as smoking cigarettes and in life.  The will alone or the help by praying to Jesus for help seems to be that of two things to consider.  Time is a figure 8 loop that at the intersection is the eternal now that connects past future to present that being said all time is at this point of now. Folding time was the religion of Dune and from another extrapolation projecting in the future and working backwards from that point to bring that into the present. At least a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.  So much time could be stolen in the control of drugs or Spice as in the Dune religion.

The outcome of nurture from a percent of life problems belongs to a single parent upbringing in the most part is then of only a mother to have as a parent while the other being a father who never wanted to be a parent, so naturally dropped the role entirely.  The other percent of life problems would be of being poor and not knowing how to be successfull in making a good amount of money.  The point in every bad thing in life problems is the interactions and reactions as partially, a percent of causes never fully attributed to a single whole or one-hundred percent reason of outcome for anything. The factors are always that of more than one in a bad life problems.  This result leads to a person who would not only be a miserable schmuck, but then an unsufferable ass that no one would want to be around. In this is the progression, [if] you do not get to choose this kind of life, then the strength in humanity fails.  The progression from miserable schmuck to an insufferable ass is at this time interceided hopefully by means of help through others, namely financiallly in aim.  One does not need to be offered an ice cream cone while drowning, more of a hand in such as a life preservor and means to find land.  A clear eye for the situation and of sobering thoughts leads the way forward as being naive in that going it alone is some greatness, in truth is that it wears on the spirit as contineously that has been need be recognized for him.  In this the human experience is believed to be lessened.  This position puts forth works of the soul to be devoured by unhelpful others without a care to this it has been or to that this writer is aware.