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Snake_cosmic part 2

Before reading and TV dreams was all there was. The dreams are violent and tempted to rage. You got to have that dog deep inside you to just do what women think of us that is natural, it is not. So inside didn’t care that to what has been lain, the trip wire. The vampire world waiting for me to be something godly for you all to crucify and rob blind. It’s a long game for life to have it’s way, see what happens! I contribute, you got to settle for more. Everyone in their own world plus the sharks. Some always knew they could trust their grota. The thing is the world’s been cut up by territorial humans. Because of my unhappiness I wonder. It takes thousands to prop one up I guess and beat the dead horse. I am human that gets worse with time how unfortunate.

We’re back in space now. Snake worried that he went a stray, but how far. He is now away from Geni, his lover. That’s how the domino’s fall. “Thanks to Dub were all in the fucking shit,“ Snake says. Mudd get’s use to the new rust bucket clunker of a ship that did not have a jacuzzi. The gardening was still good. Mudd had seeds of his favorite plants he acquired from places. The fact that they were probably wanted by the the Barren Federation wore on their conscience. “We mine like we use to do,” said Snake. “To make this right Dub had a boss Mudd, we need to speak his language.”

“We enter the paralyzing dimension, the mind through the third eye, indigo,” Snake says. This space is metaphysical, that Snake and Mudd find themselves in Mudd’s dark crystal as they had been sleeping. One might ask what is there and what’s it like. All the people Snake and Mudd have banished now in a perverse turn of events now can’t wait to meet their caster’s. “Mudd what the fuck your God dam indigo crystal took us into this fucking mess. We are in the business of selling the rarest of the mineral kingdoms material not fucking getting trapped in them!” “Somehow the people we screwed over have called on their crystals to get back at us,” says Mudd. “Well hello, don’t bother to struggle, I can cripple your body here and leave you in eternal agony,” says what must be the federation space station’s disembodied souls that were killed in the prison escape of Lizard, his disregard for human life for those who crossed his path. “You’ll never wake up if you don’t do exactly what I say,” says the amorphous collective disembodied souls entity.

We’re in the fucking dog house. We’ve been here for about three days. Snake starts to sweat and Mudd is steadfast. “Who the fuck are you,” says Snake. “You thought you were working for Dub, yes. When in fact it was just a puppet of real Dub that impetulant ass,” says the amorphous entity. Find him and send him to me.” “OK are we done here,” said Snake. I’m keeping Mudd here until you send Dub to this dimension by ending his life got it? “Sure you’re on.”

“Computer, put mayor Frog on the Com,” Snake says. “Hello Snake.” “This isn’t a social call Frog, I need a favor.” Elsewhere as Mudd slipped into the gap between worlds of mind and matter the amorphous entity is willing to treat with Mudd. “What should I call you, you thing?“ says Mudd. “You can call me Count Abyss.” It then formed into a body and wore a cape and garment. “I know it was you who is the real alchemist not Snake that bone head. Perhaps you can apprietiate the world of minerals and their soul trapping capabilities. Your talent for transferring electronic’s and mood infusion with crystals and plants is only a fraction of your potential if you were to be guided.” “And I suppose that would be you then?“ “Perhaps.”

Geni and Frog grabbed a taxi to the Earth’s local space sector not far from Pluto and the fringe destroyer female shiva’s moon. “I will be at the randevu point soon to meet you shortly Geni, I’m glad you are not arrested because of me,” says Snake. “Yeah Barren Space doesn’t have any jurisdiction here, that’s why I had to lay low, I had a feeling you were going to get us in trouble.” The Earth’s space station’s were shitty, but had enough business to run taxis’. They meet in an air lock and embrace each other. Frog then approaches. “Snake old buddy how you’ve been so good to see you.” “Yeah glad to see you too, we got some work to do.”

“You look good Geni, we got to watch our asses, let me deal with Frog,” says Snake. “Where’s the jacuzzi Snake?” “Sorry this is the best I could do.” “Mudd’s catatonic so that’s why we’re here, we got work to do.” They make there way to deeper space, more dangerous space. “We need to enter pirate space and find Dub, the dark star lord.” Frog say’s “Don’t take your chances with the solar plexus, the dark sun, the intent of illusion. This guy your looking for is a lion waiting to devour us sun people.” “Noted Mayor, when I say we go, we fucking go, GOT it!” “Yeah I got it.”

FORTUNA Major is displayed on the terminal screen. “Yeah this looks good,” Snake says. This sector is available for the movers and shakers as a hub of neutral space commerce made up of several ports and markets in a mess of metal frames and connected air locks. “We can pick up some things from the Grey’s at this hub. I think this Star Lord is one of them, who’s language is inflicting pain to compensate for his non ability to feel himself. Frog your with me, let’s head to the bar while Geni picks up some things.”

At the bar Snake gets a piccher of draft. A grey starts telepathically communicating with Snake. “You know the food here is quite good.” Snake gestures to his forehead. “Say bar keep how about some food, prepare me some fish, raw, and a citrus sauce. ” Snake said. “People come from all over to eat here, great choice broha.” A fat Asian business man bellies up to the bar putting Frog to shame. “Make that double, and some saki!” So everyone was having a good time at this point. Frog says,”send our friend over there a drink.” He points to the grey across the bar. “Your friend, a sun man doesn’t know us Grey’s are into vision drugs, not your baby’s milk.” Snake points to his empty mug. “So, you want the double vision?“ Snake nods.

“OK, take me to your drug lord,” Snake thinks. He taps Frog on the shoulder and puts some money on the counter. “I’ll meet you at the ship later.” The Grey shortly after follows Snake out of the room. Snake walks down a couple corridors taking a few turns into connecting terminal then as the Grey took the next corner Snake appeared holding out his gun. “Don’t fucking think about pulling a weapon unless you want your big brains blow all over the fucking wall!“ Snake pats the Grey’s vest and pulls a gun weapon from an inside holster. “I know my ship was bugged, that you wanted to keep an eye on me. Those men at station 47 were apparently capable of becoming some bad spectors that have caused me and my friend some problems. I know your transmitting so I got a message for you Dub, I’m coming for you.” Snake then blasts the Grey.

“I think we were just board,“ said Frog to Geni at the ship. They put away provisions and wait to hear from Snake. Shortly after Snake opens his Com to Geni,”Yeah I’m moving from unit ten to eleven, start the ship and meet me at Port 3118 now! I got some tails, let’s just say I fucked the pouch on this one.” Snake brought the local security to alarm as he left a dead Grey in a vestibule. He now makes his way to Port 3118 as he carries a black box brain chip from Mr Grey’s Brian. The rust bucket ports at 3118 and they bolt ass.

“CORONA BOREALIOS and CANIS MAJOR were the last constellation sectors our friend was before he tailed us,”Snake says. “So now what,” says Geni. “We go hunting.” Snake moves to the cargo section and asks Frog for some help. “They had us bugged Frog.” “Those bastards!, that sucks,” Frog resonds. Snake clips in to some mining gear cable on his belt then pushes to cargo hatch and a red light and alarm sounds. “Snake what are you doing?” “I knew it was you Frog.” “I can explain, believe me!” Snake shoves Frog backward then the suction of air leaving the hatch sends the fat man against the back wall, as Snake begins to be suspended in the air on his cable. He hits a button on his belt and gets hoisted to the terminal panel and cable reel. Snake watches Frog, jettisoned from the ship floating away, the Mayor of the Emerald City, now Frozen in space. Snake hits the button to close the cargo hatch.

“Where is Frog?“ Geni asks. “He had to go chill out,” Snake answers. “Let’s get this over with Mudd’s starting to smell.” “Let’s go to CANIS MAJOR,” Geni says. Snake enters the coordinates. “We have a short while to prepare, and what I plan and what potentially happens aren’t always exactly similar.” Snake arms himself with some gear: mining explosives, 30-30 Winchester lever-action rifle, and a 22 pistol a very good gun for pounding nails all day. Saturn comes around, Snake softly puts his hand on Geni’s shoulder. “I’m choosing to go it alone Geni. I need you to stay with the ship.” Snake opens the Com to the pirate ship that was surly waiting for them to arrive. “Hello Snake, perhaps we could talk in person,” say’s the Masked Dub. “Gladly, I will be docking shortly.” Snake moves to the air lock with a business trench coat and strapped. The air lock opens and the port way is empty. Snake decides to draw his rifle and stands and looks through his iron sites at each corner of the vestibule. He in some swat move creeps in. As he get’s closer he smells the stench of Dub’s leashed dog, the Lizard to the left. He takes the corner and pumps two rounds from his hip. The shots are spread in the room and he looks to the right side corner and Lizard sprang up on him so as to disarm Snake. He quickly drops his rifle and shows his hands and the brute says, “You packed your bags asshole,” in a snarl. Snake kicks the rifle to him then reaches into his coat and unloads the clip into pale scaley reptilian. The hits were all over the torso and only made the reptilian mad. Snake runs into the room away from Lizard and jumps over a counter. “I got a shit ton of explosives that can blow apart an asteroid of any composition. What do you think it will do to you asshole!“ Snake had nowhere as much powerful explosives as he bluffs. “You die too,” Lizard responds. Snake reloads and primes an hand sized explosive set to blow on a timer to make the situation even worse sets it on top of the counter. Lizard rushes Snake and he got only a couple of shots before he would be ripped apart. He has his gun right in front of his face and with adrenaline he pops off four rounds into the cranium mushrooming and fragmenting into the brains as lizard jumps counter landing on Snake as the sound of four pangs muffled in to a body followed by silence. Snake heaves and military presses the body off him then grabs his rifle. “Five minutes is all I need,” Snake says to himself and starts into a jog. Kicks into a button on a door panel the cockpit doors open guns drawn. “It’s not personal Dub it’s you or Mudd.” “I know the Count used some of your crystals against you.” The Schell of the android opens up in the head and the tiny alien in a chair says. “Well Mudd is very gifted.” “How do you want me to do it?” “Down with the ship, I guess.” The ship is gonna be blow I’ve left explosives throughout the the ship. I guess you should be sprinting again. Yeah, captain my captain. Snake bolts out. With the timer running dangerously low. They detach from the pirate ship. Then the ship blows and its debris becomes a ring of Saturn.

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Little_wolf part 2

TV does not think so. She beleaguer’s the beach surroundings, taunting, and flaunting her… well female parts scantily clad bra, shirt, and shorts. The summer was long and Jr was not the dad to some rag tag crew of hippie seamen and they no longer called him captain. Wolf as this is about him seems to be happy where ever he is like he has the ‘get out of jail’ free card. The unceremoniously sumarian not so good it seems to bind these fools once again to the ocean.

Sister has found witch craft fascination and Jr Fears she no longer has respect for him, in fact he is certain. She seems to gravitate to places such as Paris, in those places et cetera. “Pre-minnoctus abhorrium pendulum chimera chiro, black & blue and white all over,” she says. Toward the end you’ll agree. Sister waits for a distant need be happening to occur like a child.

For some reason the characters became anti establishment and lived wasted scared of their past regret and future worry. Wolf had felt good about being a beach bum collecting change for dorritos and liquor. He was in the Caribbean living his life in the sun. Jr was trying to find Jesus for vengeance. His saintly anger was amazing. How to unite these friends from the seventies with their birthday’s all being the same, the fourth of July.

The life was a living hell for the limbic person who wished to dream. When it comes to ravaging the soul look no further. “They turned on me,” Jr laments. “Got to get them together and buy an island.” First he has to save Sister from her enthrallment to fashion and bring her into education, the real world. “Those God dam pairs, the mover and shakers. Forgive me.” Jr was on pirate radio broadcasting to your address and he’s got your fucking number!

He awakes in his bed, zap! The fraction of day begins. “Listen! Bret we tempted the sea and lost, now through me unto me were hidden in caves waiting for the herd assination.” “What are you talking about,” says Bret on the Com radio. “Don’t make me say it again you devil!, we lost!” It was in-fighting. Jr was lying in a bed of sin and “snakes” his cosmic langum. Those dark eyes she makes me do the leviathan my… Wife

The captain quarters on the USS Denver were modest, but nice. He, believe it or not could do most things himself as long as he had his radio with Bret and Matt to guide him along he was OK. Time to plow some water to France. A lot of holding the wheel and looking in front of himself…

Jesus shows up in Jr’s boat! “Holiness it’s God!” Jr says amazed. “Jr your right eye belongs to me, and you know that’s my blood you’ve been drinking.” “I’m taking the wheel, I’m captain now!” Jesus says. “Any questions?” “Hmm ah, I can’t think of anything, I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” “The dark forces are endangering us all, I thought you could use my help.” “I could use the help, of course.”

“Where is the sun today, the clouds,” says Wolf. “Just a glimmer.” It’s a race to France, but Wolf was left in the Caribbean. To turn back would be what’s the line, oh yes tedious. This unfortunate lack of foresight is hard to reconcile. “OK, send Wolf on a helicopter and we’ll meet him half way, to save time,” says Jesus. “Good thing this boat has a helipad on it. Jr has inherited enough money to keep them going. Jr gets on the Com in morning when gets some coffee, and makes it happen by spending a lot on credit to get Matt and Brett to make the arrangements. Women scorned, Devil born Man bent, hell sent.

Corroborate a bullshit story, it must be post 2014 and these seventies kids must be old, but they had been traveling through the Bermuda triangle so time is irrelevant now, and I’m not even sure this is Earth as we know it. Earlier. “Don’t worry I won’t tell him you asked,” Brett says to TV. “Get in the fucking bird TV,” says Wolf. “This is not some silversuns pickups music video you bitch Jr is obviously pissed he spent a lot of loot to get us back to the sea.” Back in the boat. Jr is unable to hold a conversation with Jesus, but they got used to strong winds outside, but the wind passed inside by the two men was even worst. “It’s not so bad,” says Jesus the Master, but the truth was the captain’s deck was uninhabitable for the feint of heart.

“Before time where we, began, men,” Jesus preaches. “Mysticism is a dance, rack the brain and shake the soul! Jr says. “Maybe…” “Jr you are a man of wisdom,” says the master” Then let me say, I understand completely, with your past that is not, and speak to the spirits of the earth for not, void reason, give into it. All leader’s have ‘dragon poison” as it has been for long and yes, not. Author note. This, this I have not pleasure in arrogance like they need.

This isn’t sorcery not, but debotary “Get a B.” At this point their both wasted. “looks drizzly… some river sand… for TV.” “You have a crush on her?” Jesus asks Jr. “If there is; it has passed, now that two devils play the drums.” “Are you nuts?” “But there’s more… So a lot’s of interesting anticdole crap!” “Let’s go fishing,” Jesus says with a big sigh. Soon…

The next day. “Where closing in on your coordinates Jr,” the helicopter pilot says. Jr from his bed responds on his Com, “Oh good, I’ll see you on the deck.” The bird lands shortly on the helipad on the stern. “Glad to see you!” As they make there way to the captains deck Wolf says, “How long have you been out here all alone.” I have a person here with me you would not believe.” They find the ship empty. “He was here, the savior, he was going to captain us to France.” Now what brazen tenacity does Jr and his sea fancy have to say such things?

TV’s wearing some short shorts and Jr notices her fanny. “I mean, yeah Jesus was here, here in spirit, that’s what I meant all along guys, says Jr. “We head to France to save Sister from trending fashions. I heard she’s into whips and chains and things so we got to save her you guys.” “I actually don’t think that’s a problem, “ says wolf. “Oh I mean yeah sure me either it’s just chains and whips are expensive. Meanwhile in France Sister looks into her crystal ball. “Try as you will Jr you can’t stop me. France is mine! For thy shall have their Queen rule in her beauty! (beauty is a French word),” and she starts waving her hands over the crystal ball sending storms towards are hero’s.

Secretly Jr knew he could use Jesus’s help, but decided he’d have to do things, like all men have too… himself. The dying process, like hell we’ll accept it it in the face of nature, but inside they all craved it. This crew of salty dogs and helicopter pilots now brace for the weather heading their way. “Make sure the whirly bird’s locked down, it’s going to get bumpy,” Jr says. Soon the clouds move in and everything darkens like thousands of bats. Wolf lights his cigar, “Your move lady confusion.”

Less archaic or else the the rain may have us. “Less them more you; Wolf, take the wheel while me and TV have a drink,” says Jr. In dismay Jr see’s; in his glory, Jesus moon-walking on the water. To have something to live for, the last temptation. A woman cannot give you meaning in your life and you know that personally, so death we call mother, sin’s keeper. He obviously had in roads and dances with your frustration in endless patience. TV the impediment of the times I want to gnaw on your fucking bones, alas white as snow holliness and sacril. “So you can trust the moon to lie, her nature.”

“Yes, this is the way of acceptance, the long game most care not alas! We suffer our sentinel got lost misplaced perhaps,” say’s the helicopter pilot. “What the fuck no one asked you,” say’s wolf. “Hey no one ever asked me?” “If no one dies what do we care?” Sensation, exploration, and the prime directive play, record, stop kill the fun MTV. The cancer of it all. Author note. Be the change and let me go to work you fucking vampires, may the Lord of spirits strike me dead. I know the pieces fit/

As below so above, and again as before and before as again, twice. The half truth. The helicopter pilot retorts “where did you get your arrogance wolf.” “I’m no hippie asshole!” The two seem to be bonding. The weapon known as Jesus Jr wields to his pure happenstance. TV is by Jr soaked and childish with breaking through the storm, though she had fallen down during the debacle and Jr falls to delight and splender. The amorphous seven on call, it’s s been said and now their dead.

Janus the portal guard of old. “Oh lanoo I got you now,” Jr says. Word came in that sister is in Paris. “OK crew gather up! We will be coming to Port soon. I will be getting some aged ham, cheese, wine, and other provisions please make a list of reasonable requests.” “A suitcase packed with speedos please,” says wolf. “Haha you lady killer.” Jr will be going in alone to find the hip hop queen of France. Sister senses that the jig is up, that she was praying to Juno that she could just live away from the salty dogs to be married to some famous rapper. Why Jr tries to get to her is not clear.

In his garb, he walks. Jr in cognito like the frog stalk’s a misquote. If the lesson kills you was it worth it, all human kind. Some one will pick it up and run with, not you. “I don’t want to battle her every night, bitch, dick lord to the elderly.” Jr fumes his frustration. He’s close, and has to psych himself up. She’s close.

It’s dead. Just some way we all got played and leveraged. His almost unlimited affinity for the struggle. Was Jr duck hunting? Sacrilegious idea? He returns to his boat with a few less bullets. Wolf and TV get special yarn to weave a tapistry. They both return to the boat, “so did you find her?” “No, I wish I never came here.” “let’s play the cover song creep, am I right.” “I wish I was special…”

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Snake_cosmic part 1

The new unceremonious characters include Snake Cosmic the miner. Don’t ask why he mines, I don’t know, but he does have a space ship. On board the space ship is Geni Snake’s wife, also Mudd the copilot. The two men are talking in the cockpit. “we mine because we don’t fish,” says Snake.

“Best year we ever had,” says Snake. Mudd quietly answers, “that doesn’t mean life is good does it.” “What? Life never gave a shit, it’s is up to us to give a shit about life.” How unfair. Geni was spending time in the ships jacuzzi room watching the planet Earth’s news feed on a monitor attached to the wall. The marriage of Snake and Geni has resulted in no children, by way of things being to hard for to long.

“Computer put a call in for Mayor Frog, Emerald Pond, Central America, United Nations, Earth,” Geni says to the computer as it searches the directory database. A heavy set black man shows up on the monitor. “Well hello Geni, to what do I owe this pleasure.” “I wanted to ask you if the fish population has recovered there.” “Mayor Frog blows some smoke from his Cuban cigar, “Well that depends on who you know if you catch my drift.” “The mining year was good, but Snake wants to fish even though it’s been prohibited ever since we were on Earth. Something about some books he’s been reading about a tax collector and fishermen that were the wise men of old or something.” “Well the waters here are monitored most of the years after the fish population was wiped out.” “I suppose there still are those who would risk going out on the waters with the right connections, legal or otherwise.” Yeah Snake thinks it’s a right of passage to the ancient times and he would gain good fortune if he were to catch a wild fish.” “Well the legal route does not allow fishing for any reason only purchase of fish for breeding fish farms.” “See what you can do, and don’t mention any of this to Snake, I don’t want to crush his dreams.” “OK, I hope your year was real good for this sort of thing.”

Mudd muddles with some scrap electronic equipment trying to use outdated hardware with new syncing crystal each allocated to different moods from his collection of Ruby, Opal, and Jade. It seems ludicrous from both standards. Why can’t you just take the middle road? Moody Mudd slinger who hates life. His journals and attitude along with his preferences all got put into his crystals. His pessimistic philosophy that existentialism is based on saying life is meaningless. The long round of the year mining was wrapped up for the current sector. Mudd and Snake were friends but Snake was content on staring out the window drinking tea.

“You think I’m happy?” “I think you thought you were going to get a house in France, but didn’t. What’s been bugging you?” “Don’t want to be a loser, I want to enjoy my life.” The big ship has plants in it even. The smell is like firmament. Space lizards, space insects. The hidden over lords. What the hell do they want, to stay in the shadows? Back to ancient Earth, they let it go. No friends. Masters of our own destiny. The solar cults. We’re all waiting for something, but we are below help. There’s no accountability. Your playing a video game. A spirit in a video game a world soul crying. The white house lawn is to small to land a space ship there.

“Predisposed influence transfer code without talent.” Snake speaks a voice command to the on board navigation computer. The computer tries to find a sector. “Couda Draconis the tail of the Dragon. “ “ah lizard space, not good! They never were big into sharing those crapy rocks they mine out there, the pale one may negotiate a in for outsiders. “ Over stimulation has brought this to bare. Hyper competitive leans one way or the other. The five smartest people I know milk the magic cow tell what, no more milk and cheese.

Geni has charm and is the only the one on the ship who knows what that is. The machiavellian Sea of space and the son of a bitch draconians and for fuck sake indignant social animal who can learn to be praised to Nun the God dam primordial water. The sea of space. “Wow dark,“ Snake says to Geni. “This occasion was wine before the next sector. Satellite orbits of the of mode of nature nodes of elder moons. “Pick twelve Moons of saturn and try to cash them in,” says Geni. “I told you the Earth sector was let go! from the days of the savior of the E-lias the prophet of Rabi’s long gone.” “So um don’t be mad or anything but I think we might try to get to go fish. “ “Fish the bed rock of the Archons, God dam space fish in the oceans, suicidal dark children, we eat them we extinct them then they go back to the nebula and those God mysterious black holes and black matter. Now we now what has happened to fishing. In space or oceans! Need me to spell it up out for you!

The under side, the belly of the beast physical here is gone black as Pitt not standing on ceremony a cemetery. Those dead eyes see no future. Coffins in space, in the ground. “You fool!, beware of the fire.” Mudd is listening to Mr Cosmic universe rant. “Sewer snakes, they are obstructionist that’s it. I’m sorry. No nun no allegiances, nun! they come from the fucking ground.” “I have no safe space,” says Mudd “To fucking end all life of your fault you hate your father, that’s what is wrong right!.” “My dad was a quite voice trying to keep me safe from the snakes Mudd don’t tell me he didn’t try! They tried to run!, then John picked him up, sweet. Jesus has gambling debt, but everyone owes him money.”

The wet land is unreceived from the belly West from East
Then the plants were right some of them were not. The way that and the quarters were I thought odd. Odd is the triangle. The I tried with to ends of means. To the over supplies town down find and cease. The Texas radio and the big beat slow Virginia swamp. Ancient let go which ran then got caught by the shows and sorting out of things. “I thought to not go to swamp, and though the trees.” “What do think for it was wrong from the beginning then what then maybe not quite a certain.

The north turtle of the earth roads. It is safe and warm. “Nothing to say and he’s an idiot, so what” Cosmic says to Geni. “Regards to negotiations?” “Sounds like a no”, “sounds good.“
Mudd had said a lot to Geni about his transfering of the ships computer to a more organic operating system by way of crystals magnifying the ships plants frequency. Mudd had an interest in the seemingly impossible tasks, changing the mind set. “Not much here is there,” said Snake. The current sector is Zeta Reticuli. The game is asteroids of exotic matter. Three Grey’s appear on the monitors open channel. One of them has a red tie and makes a hand gesture of a upside down v. “Yes,” Snake says. The computer begins to speak, “train station.” “Look we’re here on business.” The screen goes blank.

“Christ!, don’t tell me those bastards are gonna ticket us, there just lizard lackeys unless you deal with the old mantis coders,” said snake. The ship gets pulled suddenly in a tracker beam toward a black hole and gravity sucks the ship closer. “It’s all over, we’ll never know why, a plant from the garden speaks through the ship com, “fly locked books, jump ship it’s over.” The pod detaches, jettisons the crew to escape. “Well played Grey’s,” said Snake. “They may have opened the black hole knowing we would jump ship. They won this round. The Grey’s were using the one of our plants in the garden somehow.”
The pod touches down on Daedalus

COROT-7c, it’s like Earth. “Well here we are, broke again and stranded,” said Snake. The pod is broadcasting back to Barren space for assistance. The nearest space station responds and is months away. “Looks like we’re here for awhile. Load up everyone were going for a walk.” After four hours they the sun sets and a tribe of tall skinny figures brightly feathered dance around a fire. They approach the tribe.
Snake approaches first with a raised hand. “Greetings, we come in peace.” The ferver of the thin men is at a high, they continue with their dancing. “Look were trying to to find supplies we’re stranded.” The chant loudens “who who who!” Geni notices the blood on the ground they are dancing around and the chief declares, “this is my universe!” Geni whispers to Snake, “They worship the blood God, and their burning animals they sacrifice.” “OK friends oocka boocka or what ever.” The chief responds angerly, “I observe the edge of the universe no one goes beyond! You stay here and I say when you leave.” “better do what he says,” says Geni. Mudd takes out a flask and tips it back, “well good.”

The buzzing of night was loud. Nature’s white noise, perhaps this planet’s cicada song. They were able to get food and drink for their hunger and thirst. There were several cots under a straw roof hoisted by nets tied from tree to tree somehow primative and interesting. It was obvious there were other beings that were responsible for the guests warm reception. Hidden limbs and hive mind was clearly in play here, some mother of all and ancient. They slept eventually into what is sleep that was never a guarantee.
The mire of geni’s affection to the people had made the night what it was. Snake found waiting on Barren space rescue seems like it will never come. The tribe didn’t give a shit about our feeling as bad as the mind to think of life. Thank God it’s all a contest to be won living not learning, stop learning start living if only, but we could fish for the next half of the long wait. Lots of death thinking how the women all pray to corpses and the fire. So things were ok for them. It’s like this place was meant for Mudd. He cot the biggest fish and the men ate it. No women to be had here but geni, and it seems she knows more about this place then she let’s on.

Mudd is exactly right yes, still savoring gallantly. The mustard was made in part by plants or seeds locally. The eventual conclusion is that they were rescued by a quandary. Then green and blue were the colors. The ship was of station eleven the crew of three. The divine wonder was met on ground. The extraction is like any mission. To long to hard. “You might say, sweat smells there not here.”

“How’s the food, its good need more salt.” Cosmic was in the mess hall. “I’ve never been those fake holes got us.” That was nexus the screen read out: kill you mate Com board eight level. “Follow the curruption, I hope no one has Diarra.” “There funny Mr…”it’s just yes. Genius is the more inclined to Aquarian that measure fish and corn husker lot’s of carp boxed. The is Com is currupt life ominous much omen very small room.
The comedian on the far side, yes. Logic end hieght rotten from a mind vegetarian creation too. The last priest of the world just fallen, female black horse, right. Picture every ain’t salt. That is just your pride.

Space station 47 time to pull some favors to get another ship. Snake had some good connections to get the financing. “Look to the pirates to sell you some rusty bucket,” says the station’s official. “Better get on the Com, Snake utters. The widows freeze up in the cockpit of Dub’s rust bucket. A message on Dub’s Com blinks, he accepts the call. “freelancer Dub here.” “Yes I’m looking for a ship.” “Well I don’t know why you’d look on pirate Com frequency we do not get along with the barren station business.” “ I am a freelancer of sorts too, only I have get along with the barren space expansion.” “I’ll tell you what if you do something for me I can get you lined up with a pirate who could get you a ship.” “Shoot.” “I want you to get a friend out of prison at the barren space station your at.

Elsewhere in pirate space Dub prepares and mutters to himself “Snake you must be an idiot.” The station was a hot bed of all sorts of functions including imprisonment for of course some extra cash. Snake had no office with barren space so he was biting off more then he could chew. Ships were as it happens to be very hard to come by as it were. In the cells there dwelled prisoner 1138, reptile and very smelly, the target. 1138 happened to be pale a very high honor within his species. Snake goes to the financing office to grab a line of credit and says, “By the way I had heard that there is some business in prison management you know incarcerations.” “Sure but it’s a do nothing go nowhere line of business, not much to it like your line of work I’m sure,” says the office manager. “I’d like to check it out if you don’t mind.” “Sure.”

The gully of the station a litiny of corridors Snake makes his way to stalock thirteen. The temperature is very cold in the lower levels. The first thing Reptile thought in the waking of his day was to stay warm by elevating his heart rate by breathing and stretching deeply in his cell. The prison guard was leading Snake to to prisoner 1138 by chance. “This the high value scum on this block.” Snake then couldn’t think of what to do now that he has narrowed in on his target but to get rid of her. The guard walking slowly in front of Snake and Mudd, and Snake moves closer and says, “can I ask you something about this over here.” The two move close and snake points to a panel on the wall then as she leans in and snake snaps quickly and puts the guard in a choke hold and brings hers to the ground. She loses consciousness and goes limp. “We must move quickly,” Snake says to Mudd. “Get her keys!” Mudd grabs the keys of the guard. “Showtime.” They make there way way to the vestibule to cell 1138 face with Lizard.

Vis-a-Vis. Snake is oozing sweat and breaks the ice to the ten foot tall prisoner. “Hello, you understand me don’t you, Lizard screeches and snarls nasally and nods. ” Pack your bags asshole were getting out of here. Snake brandishes keys. ” Dub sent me. We must move quickly if we are to survive this.” Snake in terror opens the cell and immediately there is a issue, Murphy’s Law! The cell opening triggers an alarm and Reptile blows through Snake and Mudd knocking them on their ass. They chase after him. Snake gets Dub on the Com,”Get your ass here double time! North corridor hatch.” The follow the bodies on the floor to the North corridor were a ship appears through the window viewing bulk heads all along the edge of the station. Lizard makes it in the ship at the docking hatch a hundred meters in front of Snake and Mudd. On the Com Dub says,”You have eight secounds!” They run in full stride to the hatch in the high gear they weren’t sure they had diving in the ship together.
“You made me lose it all risking my ass on a sprint for this monster,” Snake pants as he catches his breath. “Calm down and meet me in the cockpit I got a cold beer for you,” Dub replies on the Com. Dub is human who whares a white mask with a vertical line down the center. “Do you want a clean glass princess?” Dub grabs a bottle of mead and pours it to a massive mason jar and sets it on the dash board. “I’m still mad though,” Snake cocks it back and drips down the corners of his mouth, and smears his arm across his face then sits down and begins to focus.

Mudd says to Snake, “Where’s Geni?” “I thought you said you knew were she was.” “Nope. “Take a anti-depressant like everyone else she probably found a taxi back to Earth she’s safe there.” “Calliope seldom wished upon to be a childless and home sick,” says Snake seemly from nowhere like he didn’t care about the whereabouts of Geni. “Business brought us to do these things and lose so much here. Take me to my ship.”

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Little_wolf part 1

We gave him a name, it was wolf. He wanted to smell rotten flesh and fescess. Only when the weather is right. This was the way of the scavenger and the blue Jay. To begin with he was just a boy set on fighting men. Now he is hairy were he once wasn’t before. Yes he was the one who made tracks. A lone wolf, also yes. The meat has lost it’s taste. The Grey hair on his chin was full of DNA of an animal, but this is a man. Carrying those bones around. Dragging his life. Absolute nowhere at all times. That is to say not present. Each evening of the moon is the one thing that rules this life the insane mother. His family has begun to diversify. Sleep the chore to bed down. So it’s been said to be a dog to a good family is a good choice for a born again. Wolf is no pet to a family. H is not a hippie who may like wearing dread locks and master trading ambitions that it’s all. “I don’t want that” says Wolf. The owls have swooped in to the rescue. Lovely creatures. So we established the moon as running the program. Hard to feel so many seconds that feel like hours there. My allies expect me to shop in ways and also take on sin in as a pay as you go program. Boring, plain, & control. Yullotion is part of my talks, neogism for prophetics. Dullness Norway ambition. The morning and early day. The only focus how wolf was estranged from the community and anyone who gets close to him. Wolf is talking deep and down. How deep. Lovingly for Jesus. For the books. Fifteen they said want out because I was sick. Sick how I’ll tell. Your just speak in sin. Yes worthy to know while he dad forgets. How holy she begets more than you. The tight don’t forget, she holds. We didn’t know what we were saying to each other yet they said he was my friend. Ew ish ick is and me all disgusting for how long the last from the loins sacked his power. To the point and to their fucking end. We’re you ever in the woods? Got a call back? I understand that because I got a proper let me down was not an execution or a hanging. The sorts of stuff, look the game is simple get the hunger fed. Follow your own obsession what ever it may be. Love is always saving. Close to the hill. Further up than the swamp. He got pissed for the sake of his mother who gave him a roof. His genuineness is deep in the grass. The notes have been embedded not that the intellect can at all save you. It’s all rigged. Knowledge to know ways of those deep in the grass. The shackled old man in the cells of the body slowly draining. The God that we all knew and loved captured once in prison while Taylor swift performs country songs. Your getting high on your own supply I’m telling you. Fantasy about that stuff. Society is really wrong and you’re an idiot if you watch TV. Need to smell like smoke. This man has shifted at anger and focus though not easy to make in unpleasant circumstances. Fake way to make way. All in all the programing has been lets say heart heavy. How bad? Gin & that’s all I know. They say that wolf had bad blood. Licked his own wound. He was just making a trail. The A team had the money to sniff it out. It was in the cards to carry trinkets. It is that smell of saw dust that seems like it is alive and sweating. The wolf wanted to encourage people to say it’s not so bad, and ice cream cone can be eaten walking the corner. The problem is amongst its own in that it was about a scorpion dance. Yes silver can save you, but you can’t eat it. Gold for what is owed and a performance stolen to a woman in a painting. This is about prey. Dead to feed the living. Living to feed the paper. Most paper is the source of all. Wolf has begun to read as before and he has little songs of gratitude for his scavenges. Little is his patience for loss of the test testing him and putting that energy in him. That is why. “So do, how do you do” wolf says to his TV. This Need be said about wolf. He hated women except for his moon. He has condemned himself to, so the longer the worse. Hating TV for the prime directive; the program His past was more then checkerboard. The fresh and clean living is the best. Or so it is the subtle way. Piss off to his regret as he wets the toilet. Slow as well. Next wolf has to drink his way to the shower. He naturally does not much like showering to the point that it’s sort of hard to do it without that drink, be it beer, gin, wine, or a home brew. They put him in the ground for his desperate cries. The ground being an animal not a man. Take those walks and be glad to see the sun. Let us remember that man is a social animal and that includes wolf. His blonde hair is thick and full. The dead spoken of Roman emperor intent to rebuild. To have a family is seemingly the ploy, a cosmic guise. Wolf thinks more about living and challenging his technology to work for him. The money wolf has to make for dating the thin girl Sirentha who smokes and gets her hair done and is a good person. So she then lets wolf do what he should prove that he is without a clue. He says “do you want to go out? In person she writes him her number. Like I said she let wolf down easy. Lucky he had some wits. Wolf made the most magic money of the family and that means nothing very good. Take the talent away and what do you have? A forest walker. It would be difficult to call wolf a social animal, a typical gregarious man. He was on the outskirts of regular living. The right to mate for the inept animal is zero to none. “Put the fear behind you” the TV says to wolf.

“Lend me you ears” says the TV. “I’ve got no more pay from the dead” says wolf. It’s impossible to be friends with wolf. He has enough energy to get on with life. It’s not sad or shunned in an absolute way down. The smell of spirit shall be the intuitive guide to up of the moon so the Earth learns who makes the tides. Ambivalent towards her warped water. Oxygen is the way of God. He loves it. It is in the air and Ariel was want to be worried over wolf. He says “Don’t condemn your self” in reaction to wolf flipping coins. His careless divination. Unruly. The less the best. Total freedom from love. Empty is the way. “I smell bullshit” the TV says. “My mess and being poor is your problem?” wolf replies. “Lot’s of trash out there. They both hated me. Take a commercial break? Time for me to get with the program.” Homer Simpson owns the TV. The Earth is lying to the cosmic where we’re wondering consciously what for. We’re where you wolf when the white women went afoul. Sugar turns to fat and carbs turn to sugar and carbs come from the germ. The worst is yet to come. Happiness works only on deceit. So it is established reality is imposed by the world of fear. Fortune is chance and fashion in war of the lore. Constant is consistent when walking in meditation. Less is more continuum. Breath, life, are all automated. The best of us is not understood. My crypt key is lost for the bird on the road got hit, a puff of feathers. Let the mind go a hundred steps removed, bad. Dad is bad. “Want to talk so personal. That is gratification. Do you have any idea talking commercial universe that’s all. Put some heat in those loins,” the TV professes. “I hate professional sports, “wolf says. One for all, rock and roll around you. He goes into his room, the cave.

The settlement of life. Slowly moving. Give the challenge. “I accept” say wolf. I dreamt it more than one and we’ll. “he isn’t ready” kiss-kiss. Now just me number 3. This it is don’t you ever give me something free sister! People die to play the part. Does it matter that wolf gave the Jr a game for matter over mind and looked in the mirror of a extended chess game and won some. “I the most” sister says. Wolf gave a shit, but he is the only one left. Numbers don’t lie. Scarlet was said to be guided for the heck world under her feet. Gruff she got goated in Hollywood. Ba’al is her favorite and she rock climbs, ironic. Wolf mutters “I’m lost and happy. ” your wondering who’s talking to who right. Snark tank. Curd the cheese. “He’s sick” the TV says. “Don’t you think I know that”. Don’t you think I might for my job. Wood Tree save you. Mushroom feet. My sons the two of them harvested from my feet. Blacken ops pitch blacked. “she went black, sorry” says wolf. “Why should I be helping anyone,” wolf ponders. Way to through a pass to your self. Wolf laments his losses. No stranger to empty words like this now. The time passed what is he going to do go to the time police. “I simply failed you,” said the worm in his brain. He drinks… so. Flooded that cloud. Was sent for wolf.

Jr, wolf, sister, and TV are all sitting in a circle. Jr really likes sister and the TV usually is the only one who gives wolf a chance. Wolf thinks he better than sister for his unearthly happiness. Jr keeps his distance from wolf mostly but has agreed to this now. The four are one. Blissed out of their minds at the beach in the dark. They begin to change faces as the shadows cuts their faces in the first family of God. The four head for the water perhaps never to be the same. They all had the same chill then were crazed by the water. The waves throwing their bodies. The only tree there watched on and began to speak. “Ye little ones may the moon have you dance. ” wolf started then believe it then they all did. Each limb sprang and fell and moved about. Wolf was naked and cold away from the others by the tree. TV was trying to kiss sister but she turned her head. Jr took his clothes then and went to the tree. Jr fell asleep wrapped in beach towels. Sister look like she thought not to much of this and stayed with Jr as their minds began to separate.
The tides were warming. The best part of waking up is cheap coffee. The authority figure was manna of loins so what. Jr and sister went to get coffee because they had a few bucks. TV bought cheap but had a stash in the freezer. Best to have an occasion for the good stuff before it rots. So the unseen is also patient. If you beauty be truly fair then it should be no discourse to your honestly. Perhaps not or maybe yes. Wolf began his morning by moving slowly. “My sense of smell isn’t all ways a good thing,” wolf explains to the TV. “The meaning behind things. “ The Pith.
It’s not bad for a computer. Predictor um no. Seek and communicate yes. Numbers don’t lie. The hive of the one mind. Hidden value. Matt is truly yours. Regards. Night writing is the worst no good comes of that. Only technology read a book. The v card? It is not in place. Matt is wondering if Brett will find a job. Matt got the family thing going on and not much outside of that. Brett is a Texan. That is all that need be said about that. Jr is wanting to reframe the question, the living question. Wolf is a bitter loser but lost and happy. I guess the diversification is moving toward a single singularity. Good advice life is short. Beating around the bush. Matt needed drugs to be suspended there longer to feel he was doing real work. He was used by them assimilating information from him then they push the button and he wakes. He’s been in a den before in settings that we’re ment to be comfortable. The best Matt confesses to know more about their tricks.
Matt is climbing a deer stand with his dad. His dad has a rifle. They spotted one deer but it was a tiny doe. “So luckily we don’t have to get our hands dirty, “ says Matt’s dad. Brett is wondering about how Jr got the invite from sister to go to the beach and who would want to go when wolf was there. It not like he cared much. A passive fool. Matt and Brett were friends that minded separate things then the others. By now Jr mind was separating from sisters and the TV but not wolf! Brett was well informed. The beach group did not know Brett like he did them.
“I’ve seen mountains of men before,” says Jr. TV as superficial as she is liked the thought of a man mountain. The coffee was finished and sister had gone back to her car to put a close to the long weekend. “The long six years are over, thank God,“ Bret says to Matt “I knew her not even though he worked in the industry.” “I guess it’s time to hate the system again,” Brett responds. “The computer is working so well for its age” Matt says. Keep the light on cause it gets dark.
We exist fantasy, reality, and truth. Digesting our substance every day. Part Opal, part hateful goat, and part sin. To all the love given to your neighbor in place of you. “Don’t be ridiculous Matt,” Brett says. “Glad to be so useful” caprinicas or something. Gravity heavy.
You have a ear. Good. Now know. Gentle knave. “Where is the story arch, “ says Jr. TV is smoking while parked. Those flags and isles. Matt is acting like a clown. To remember they all were one for a short while. Sister is moon sick. So now wolf thinks he has a shot at getting some. Not.
The glowing round thing is real. That and advertisement fm & am radio. “Make things up Jr,” says TV. “the truth is in your wrist. You were tagged, ” Jr. says. “In formula triangle I always pay the price,” says wolf. The three were seeking their maker. Who was behind this happiness. Where did it all go, funneled in the third eye in pain. Open to the pulpy orange juice. “Suppress and regress,” said Jr in his wisdom. Sister was by now in Paris shopping. The TV and the men were deep and down in the boat heading to some land descent for the horizon. Bret and Matt were now in com range on a ham radio. Bret says “Are we talking to the dead again?” TV replies, “I get it that’s would be a bad thing. “
Personal plug here. Part-time friend. Author note~ I performed a song for my mother today & I’m teaching my dad what I know. Guitar love my friends. Matt took his shift then enjoyed moving forward through the hall, the vestibule. “Need me I need you around sticking to you like glue,” says TV. “Does this help you?” Everyday is the first day of school and it never ends. “Good luck, it’s a marathon not a sprint.”
Wolf is the bellows of the brig eating jumbo. It was good jumbo. Wolf was on the thin side so what he had a great lay of the land. Jr on the other hand had a keg belly and took the role of being captain. The three liked mixing things up with a gentlemen’s game of ship captain crew 6 5 4. TV was in the crows nest smoking looking into blackness. Jr was on the radio with Brett and thought why rush things he was making a 6 furlongs every hour or so. ‘So what’ was on everyone’s mind and before that he was mad with the saying ‘get on.’
The deity dwellith. “Caution she is mostly serpentine,“ says red eye. The leviathan, the twisted snake. There is really a computer mind sent not by jelly fish but a chair, and I believe that an alien was sitting on that chair high on mind drugs putting me on a meta radio feedback. Japan was the English said then it went into another language. TV was telling Matt about this happening that happened at the witching hour. Matt says, “How does the movie part work?” TV says, ”the chairman is watching the same movie clips he is projecting probably to tie an ethereal link. The movie was telescoped for the chairman’s trance like method not unpleasant I might say. “ “Is this a thing” says Matt. “Yes, a alien thing,” says TV.
“Catch me,” says sister. “Stop why,” the guitar says. Tie a cosmic melody either tied by voice or drums. No one gives a shit about your feeling because everyone is so needy. “That and everyone is a know it all except where it counts! I don’t know,” says guitar. Back on the boat Jr looks about that whale of vessel that has been weathered continues to plow through the water. Icey waters but beautiful. Jr can’t run for office because he’s a bad actor. Making coffee for sixty grand for a campaign was nice. The work with wolf was a two part basically. One make coffee and drink beer. The three will be antarctic bound soon after they enlist the proper personnel. Who knows how long that will take heck maybe they will get some seamen from Japan.
Hot blood hold my hand… pouty eyes not haughty. Still complete shit. “When will it be my day in the sun,” says part wolf part fool, those yes, no compassion redeeming for us like wolf. “Two and me bitch! I owe¿ a lot of money to my better half.” Lots of time in the third eye. “Go figure how does that work?”
Le ohlem to art it seems. “yeah, getting better with persistence. You must of learned that from sister,” says Jr with a laugh. The boat had a way of making music, the banana boat coined from their need for sunscreen. Wolf was doing very well being the prospector by finding tuna on occasion, sorting out business negotiations and had a good sense about him. TV was working on her wood carvings with a plan that her art and crafts would sell on land. Jr says, “my dad told me when I was a young lad that we should ice fish with a bottle of Jack. I never made that invite due to wanting to chase women instead now look at us on icy waters giving a go at crab” TV was fanatic that she would catch a marlin one day but it was crab season. They fish but also do charter to earn some extra cash. They didn’t know if they all would commit to being salty dogs and not kill each other.
“Calm, that is sanguine hot blood you know they just don’t won’t to let you in the circle Jerk,” said TV. “The indignant dignitary short choleric not tall plus tolerant that is,“ TV says. “Are we all we just hitting the fourth wall together,” says Jr. “Abdicate from middle you far winded knuckle heads,” says sister. Oh the story needed a bitch. “TV was on some kick about being a kid again”. ‘Irrelevant…jibes me jibe you premonition hostage.’ good. “I’m sure it was something important,” Jr said. It’s called a girlfriend. Get one ‘radio fuzz.’ ‘It’s all we got’
“The flakes of snow Antarctica in our visions.” Jr laments. “oh gosh are we there,” says TV. Wolf angrily says “we’ve hit the fourth wall It’s nothing but illusion, the great Maya! “I’!l give you twenty bucks to tell me we’re the #&+:@’ we are” says Jr. Wolf says, “the ship has become a whale with its own mind my friends, it’s own destinations…”
“Is there any solstice in being lost?” Jr says. “I don’t think we will die from this just being annoyed that the life is zapping life out of us,” says TV. The blue thoughts seems to abound. “Get your energy right, partition your brain to the new memory format.”
The waters are warming. “When do you think will find land Jr? “ says wolf. “I thought you were our guide? “ “Yeah I guess we’re heading closer to the equator. “ “Not only is TV acting like a kid she starting to be isolated, spending a lot of her time in the crows nest.,” said wolf. “Dear God she losing it staring out at the stars, a star gazer!” “Teph, Teph sah”, TV murmers, no that’s not right what is it it’s something, no no I don’t want to go in the hole again. Posiden have them. No snakes to big good. Teth yes I losing my marbles. My heart moon mine!” The winds and air is falling on the whale. “Go check on her wolf,” Jr says. “TV are you OK?” “Yes I’m fine… I miss my mom.” “what?” “You don’t have a mom you’re an orphan.” “Am I? “ “Look we’re getting closer to land you’ll get a chance to sell some of your sculptures.“ “I through them in the sea. I thought that was the smartest thing to do. They all were bad.” “Do you want to join us for some music on the poop deck?” “yeah I have been thinking about that song, the third one. Net Net Geb Hod Bin Geb run. Snake bitch!!!!!” “Yeah that’s the spirit.”
Two big puffs, no make it three. Smoking in the crows nest. Then the last drags it is put out. Who are you mad at? This is just something new. Virtually fed up I guess. I’m back to not trusting anyone again mostly my math and spelling I guess. I don’t now if it’s the 25th my skin is on fire it is the 26th. It’s a bad guess is all. Yeah I suppose so. Shit me and the 40 choir with our only music that is to be. Look land. Try for some R&R and shit make some thing. This science is something scary it makes me wonder what the endeavor is. I can’t wait for you to be Kurt Cobain I need to have my nice things. To quote from the Masters of Hollywood’s finest. I thought LA was destined to be under water. No that crap is morally already under water with everyone in it now you know. Dead to me for sure. I’m the numbers guy and you can be the tax man it’s the way we can work together. The other guys can suck a lemon. Yeah the rest is not free it’s cavalier thieving time, the MTV generation just look at it if you can stomach the times. Forsaken cities just name it by God. Anyone could but didn’t. Fuck them!
R&R alone on the beach again. Nice breeze. The sand and the song. Holy shit get there. “You start over, but it gets easier every time, “ says guitar. Say goodbye to the gemini twins.
The boat sits asunder at the port docked. Jr can’t believe he got snaked by TV and wolf they left in the night. Jr’s on KP. “Time to get things in order,” Jr says. He has to start to find charters and some new game on fishing. Indian Ocean. “What the heck kind of food am going to find here, dead cats dead rats!” “Bunch of rice on the cheap for provisions I guess.” “It’s about my time I get R&R if Guitar was not such a slippery first mate.” Bret has hardly lined anything up for Jr in business. “One is the breath the other is the lung when netsah and tiffereth in gypsy math,” says Matt on the radio. “Where’s Bret, I’m behind on business deals,” says Jr. “I’ll patch him in.” “Bret here.” “I having a hard time here Bret.” “Yeah well you only pay me B team money.”
Potato soup! Boiled Eggs on salad. Four boiled eggs, four red potatoes and table wine. No one was at the table and they were out ranked anyways. Oh looks like out by the Fore staysail she’s kissing him. “TV says to guitar how was that for you?” “Fine guess.” Jr bellows, “This is not some pleasure palace!” “Yeah well it’s hard making shit up!”
Apart from the deep waters with a whole lot of rice wishing bad things about my management skills Jr presumes about the radio crew. “Guiding me through the woods, oh what of the water.” Well yes TV was attractive but both her and Jr started to question their time as salty dogs. Wolf was strange to begin with seemingly impervious to this sea delirium. Guitar moves through the ship walking the track when people aren’t around like a mad man, back and forth conquering the space.
They prefer the dark. Don’t ask me why. Something about being OK. The head space is magnificent and honest. “What did I do about it, I hid. Beautiful. The play park of the country with its trees. The cat outside the cat inside. The empty place were there should be something. It’s almost entirely automated. The man in the box, can’t break out. Just everyday is seen by every and they keep collecting his shedding of spirit, a country of vampires! “Look I don’t know try something new, different!” “Oh yeah it’s all rigged, you can’t even throw a hot dog down a hallway!” “You get no love ghee thanks!” What did you think was going to happen I insight totally power by inacting absolute saternallia!
“So we meet again, my friend.” “Obviously it’s hard on both of us,” wolf says to guitar. “Thanks for calling the dogs off, ” Wine says, clumsy Spirit! Head to toe! Dot dot I think you know. So spells abound fool! The flames of fire wither! Sanguine you are Phlegmated. So now I bring this to bat that I say got my head back it’s not a fun thank the Lord. “We’ve been through a lot.” “Glad to have you here.”
“How do you memorize the words Jr?” “say it over and over written on the wall.” “I want to break through the gimmicks” TV says to Jr. “Accumulated worth with it.” No use in saying anything. Talking heads. Everyone’s the same for years. It is really hard to change one’s personality. Almost impossible. I’m rotting in the flesh nah maybe. Don’t try to understand white men, they don’t make sense, but suspicious one does make sense.
“I know I can do better,” TV says. “The spirit has left me what a relief! Thinking about the dread it was short root passing. “The big sleep,” says Jr. “Another ghostly night, I don’t want that money.”
“Let me say, the life and animal. It can happen depending on the animal. “The one that seems to be kicked out of the group,” says guitar. Wolf didn’t like being compared to an animal let alone a roster. “So life is an animal so that’s what I’m trying to wrap my head around,” Wolf says. “Either that or the path of the fool if that sounds any better.” The on going agenda was to try to make sense, but it was not easy. They must be showing weakness with some sort of narrative to what life makes them do. That makes things bad. Human, not a wolf, guitar, TV, or seamen just a human with days passing with no real reason but for a human to prove he is human. “We can think but there’s so many that drained fate dry to make the rest of us objects.” Oh holy simplicity, don’t worry I’ll do the thinking while the human fragments into objects multiplying it’s self. The creative wing of perverted voyeuristic consumers. This is all paperwork sorting out the scavenges of truth. It’s about the only thing that’s allowed and risked a lot for it. So time is your game slowly suffocating, smoking out my guidance. The age of the priest pushed by the TV. “Do you want to be a human or animal?” High entitled objects? The secret formula is strict and rigid to be part of the human race. Hope you figure it out!

“match sound,” good news. It’s OK. It only should get easier as long as you stay relaxed and maybe not drunk on rum. “Yes, your spell worked, you both have done well, only what is helpful is blurred or made to be confusing.”
No wine around just guitar. Reach out to the process. The first mate has the daily attitude distortion. Guitar mostly stays the same not changing. “So what does that mean? “ “I confess to tripping on dreams is all.” Both the wolf and TV seem abashed. On the ham radio “Jr how’s your weight problem, “ matt asks. “I got to lose some weight, twenty pounds, so shit I’m excited. what about business Matt I can’t save money worth shit.” “Yeah well that’s Brett’s department.” “I will see about getting those sculptures of TV’s to a buyer.” “Yeah well she might not have much of them to sell, so art is absolutely a hilarious option.” “Well how’s TV’s attitude been?” “Not much melancholic for to long, she’s good at being positive.” “What of brother Wolf?” “I really don’t know.“
Listen I guess here. Radio is free put Matt on. What! *I’m fucking trying to sleep. ‘yeah well we’re talking about a cardinal bird, shit they aren’t never seen. Yeah well don’t try pull rank on me you son of a bitch. OK gentlemen let’s refrain from that. I once had that light well of course I’m the fathom of higher dimensions so I’m old and cozy with the father of America! Well yes the cosmic horizon verse one, a bitch snake!
The snake what the heck. The one I shall say is part of the patron of the country so there. The model of our humanity pretty red jewels. Pale like bird poop. So. “I’m being told Matt would like to say something“ “Yes, moral is good toward attitude for the rhythm of the two years. “that’s great,” Guitar says. “I’m OK, the guessing has begun anew. I was supposed to gain musical knowledge Matt.” “I do have a couple of nonsense things that plays to something, right?” “So yeah nonsense in a practice might be a new way to approach style, but only as a guise, I do believe in making sense. It’s the lost art of common sense!”
Matt is prudent and on the pay roll with Matt. Two high druids of radio. That son of a bitch was right the time did go fast. Put him in a nook and cranny he’ll run out of options real fast. Relationships are good in the fragment besides the characters that have to make sense from things we don’t understand. So. Oh um a drawer that can play drums. “I’m down two pounds,” Jr says to sister. Yeah that character was one of all and four of a great time that there was a female around besides TV who is just a star gazer. So the bow of the ship is the front, or so I’m told.
At the gas station Matt ferries his boat. How romantic and unselfish don’t make me laugh. Objects become real, shit this my job! So a female around is in want. Yeah maybe a house painter. Four more sentences, I’d like to sleep. That shit should be on lock. Player of instruments, gamer era, movie enthusiasts. Must be able to have a pulse… Able to understand an lack of artist.
The master is very unpleased. “Who,” says Matt. Don’t drink from the river. What else would I call myself. Deep breath, I already did my hundred days in the pig pen get my drift. “Three times for me a lot more for you Jack hole, Yeah well, Jr says. thought I can bake pizzas with sister for work.” That is as bad as it gets, but for me I’m fighting with the toilet. Boy the seat is really on there. I want to start calling in favors. Oh that’s not how it works, bullshit! Next thing I’ll tell you next the fridge will turn on me. First we get the sugar, then we put it in the coffee, then we drink the coffee. What’s that worth I’d give you money to paint. Yeah paint, “I hated that place.“ “No shit Brothers right.” All married but me.
Things flipped upside down. Ton of bricks. Law of art is smoke and wine. “I think reactionary thing is good at times, says TV.” “Lost some of my perspective,” says guitar. About out of money, four more sentences. “I don’t know how to meditate anymore.” My virtual life sucks like the art of living. Sometimes real but mostly fake. Let me guess how another thing works, privilege and follow the leader.

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“Where is Frog?“ Geni asks. “He had to go chill out,” Snake answers. “Let’s get this over with Mudd’s starting to smell.” “Let’s go to CANIS MAJOR,” Geni says. Snake enters the coordinates. “We have a short while to prepare, and what I plan and what potentially happens aren’t always exactly similar.” Snake arms himself with some gear: mining explosives, 30-30 Winchester lever-action rifle, and a 22 pistol a very good gun for pounding nails all day. Saturn comes around, Snake softly puts his hand on Geni’s shoulder. “I’m choosing to go it alone Geni. I need you to stay with the ship.” Snake opens the Com to the pirate ship that was surly waiting for them to arrive. “Hello Snake, perhaps we could talk in person,” say’s the Masked Dub. “Gladly, I will be docking shortly.” Snake moves to the air lock with a business trench coat and strapped. The air lock opens and the port way is empty. Snake decides to draw his rifle and stands and looks through his iron sites at each corner of the vestibule. He in some swat move creeps in. As he get’s closer he smells the stench of Dub’s leashed dog, the Lizard to the left. He takes the corner and pumps two rounds from his hip. The shots are spread in the room and he looks to the right side corner and Lizard sprang up on him so as to disarm Snake. He quickly drops his rifle and shows his hands and the brute says, “You packed your bags asshole,” in a snarl. Snake kicks the rifle to him then reaches into his coat and unloads the clip into pale scaley reptilian. The hits were all over the torso and only made the reptilian mad. Snake runs into the room away from Lizard and jumps over a counter. “I got a shit ton of explosives that can blow apart an asteroid of any composition. What do you think it will do to you asshole!“ Snake had nowhere as much powerful explosives as he bluffs. “You die too,” Lizard responds. Snake reloads and primes an hand sized explosive set to blow on a timer to make the situation even worse sets it on top of the counter. Lizard rushes Snake and he got only a couple of shots before he would be ripped apart. He has his gun right in front of his face and with adrenaline he pops off four rounds into the cranium mushrooming and fragmenting into the brains as lizard jumps counter landing on Snake as the sound of four pangs muffled in to a body followed by silence. Snake heaves and military presses the body off him then grabs his rifle. “Five minutes is all I need,” Snake says to himself and starts into a jog. Kicks into a button on a door panel the cockpit doors open guns drawn. “It’s not personal Dub it’s you or Mudd.” “I know the Count used some of your crystals against you.” The Schell of the android opens up in the head and the tiny alien in a chair says. “Well Mudd is very gifted.” “How do you want me to do it?” “Down with the ship, I guess.” The ship is gonna be blow I’ve left explosives throughout the the ship. I guess you should be sprinting again. Yeah, captain my captain. Snake bolts out. With the timer running dangerously low. They detach from the pirate ship. Then the ship blows and its debris becomes a ring of saturn.