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Focused in the cockpit Snake sits in his chair on the way to alpha omega space station. Geni walks up behind him and presses her small soft and firm boobs on the back of Snake’s head and doesn’t say anything while Snake looks out the space shield. They stay like this for what they wish for eternity, but the silence is broken when Mudd enters the cockpit. “How’s this one going to go you think?” he says. “Where closing in to their sector now. Looks like their giving us a green light to dock,” Snake says. The com flashes and a voice is transmitted, “proceed to docking by escort.” Two armed crafts with pulse cannons on each side of their saucers began to meet in formation on either side of the carrier vessel of our heroes. They dock and then Snake says, “I go alone.” “Come on man, what the fuck?” Mudd replies. Geni says, “This is typical of Snake, this is how he likes to do business.” Armed guards escort Snake as soon as he exits the ship as he is scanned for weapons by passing through x-rays. “All you’ll find is my dick hanging halfway down my thigh.” No one seemed amused. He mutters, “tough crowd.” The guards and people at the terminals all seemed to be human and at every door there were two armed guards. The station itself was a geometric mesh of cubular shapes imposed in a way to resemble a tetrahedron of sorts. “I am going to see the emperor, yes?” The guards did not answer. They transversed different platforms and shafts observing the the technological splendor of the station. They entered an elevator and were going to what must or seemed the way to the pire, minaret sort of the peak the station. As the two doors opened the two guards remained in the elevator then after a few seconds Snake waked out and two more guards in full red armor and capes were aside the scaffold in some nightmare of exposed heights. Then a voice, “guards leave us.” As the guards exited Snake walked past them narrowly brushing shoulders. Up a great set of stairs was a man in a darkened blue cloak. “I’ve been expecting you, Snake.” “Well what is it I’m supposed to explain here,” Snake says as he reaches the top. “You mistake me. I do not care about your little dash through station 45. I care about the so called ecosystem cosmology of space. Every ecosystem has wealth and a balance must be struck. You have been mining and supplying trade for us for years and yet you haven’t even understood what we are using these resources for. Those who understand that souls have been trapped in some of these crystals have not been a concern to you?“ “In fact yes my crew has had an incident with this.” “So you know what we do now?“ “Of all the things that can come of these resorses the last thing I excepted was this kind of phenomenon.” Snake said. After the disclosure of their studies the emperor said. “There is an ancient race we can gain knowledge of for some backwards freak accident the species mutated to mineral crystals, maybe as they transitioned into another dimension. You will report to me now on of your excursions and will be an outside consultant.”