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Snake looks on from the cockpit not seeing much out there. Mudd enters the cockpit, “what do you think?“ “I’m not sure, there doesn’t seem to be many rocks out here, but the utility scanners picked up that packet… Fuk u Fuk u Fuk u, what does that mean?” “It’s just someone stomping on your nads,” says Mudd. “Well we should search the area. You take us back to where the message started. I’m going to suit up and take a look.”. Snake dawn’s the space suit and helmet with a security cable attached to his belt that feeds through a side port along with his perpulsion exsoframe that allows him to move out in space. Once the small room is decompressed the exterior hatch is opened and Snake bounces out. “I see some small groupings of rocks,” Snake says on the com. Snake gets out about a hundred meters to a rock the size of a six drower dresser. He uses the mechanical claws on the exosuit to grab onto a convexed edges, then turns the rock slowly. “Guys, your not going to believe this.”