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Snake Cosmic_pt. 3

Back on Earth we find our captain with his dame at Conney Island. Snake walks with adulation along side of Geni admist the carnival tents. “I’m gonna get you the biggest teddy bear no problem,” Snake says to Geni. “I’m on top of the world, baby! Here, look a ball toss at cans!” Snake like an stuburn ox digs into his back right pocket and pulls out his wallet and fingers his one dollar bills looking at the sign that reads: $5 dollars – 3 balls. Snake with a fist full of dollars lays $5 on the counter. A pale man with a black hood and cloak takes the money and places 3 soft balls on the counter. “Hit all 15 cans down and you get your pick of prizes,” says the shadowy man. The cans were stacked on a shelf in a triangle with five cans on the bottom row about 15 feet away. Snake tasting the win feeling all the love he thinks he will get from Geni confidently grabs the first ball and hurls it and knocks down one can on the left edge of the forth row. Seeing that these cans were weighted and locked in place began to feel deflated. “Hey guy that was a heater what the hell?” The man remained silent. In fact Snake wanted it so bad he felt some pain in his rotator cuff. Snake picks up ball number 2 and aims more down and to the right and throws a laser beam of a toss tight in the bottom middle and the ball strikes and bounces off of the can without knocking any over. Geni says, “look Snake it doesn’t matter the cans won’t fall.” “This is sick what the fuck?” Snake takes the last ball looks around with a dazed look and aims off target and throws way right hitting the bracket arm of the shelf and screw pops off on the connecting post and the right side of the shelf falls and the cans slide down in one piece and hit the ground. The man without saying anything hands him the biggest teddy bear to Snake. Snake then hands it to Geni. “Who do you love babe?”