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“OK, I’m bringing this thing in,” Snake says. He pushes the cable retractor button on his suits control panel located on the left sleeve remotely starting the crane winch slowly pulling him and the rock to the port hatch. “Mudd, grab the dolly and some beers… just kidding, but I think we can work on this thing inside.” Snake enters the hatch then hits the locking button closings the hatch. He then presses the atmospheric regulator button. Within ten minutes he is warm and ready to meet Mudd through the second hatch. Snake opens the second hatch and Mudd says,”So who is fucking with us?” “This might not be your forte or even Geni’s for that matter. It looks like a gold PLAC embedded in this rock with an inscription on it.” It reads: VII AMON.

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Snake looks on from the cockpit not seeing much out there. Mudd enters the cockpit, “what do you think?“ “I’m not sure, there doesn’t seem to be many rocks out here, but the utility scanners picked up that packet… Fuk u Fuk u Fuk u, what does that mean?” “It’s just someone stomping on your nads,” says Mudd. “Well we should search the area. You take us back to where the message started. I’m going to suit up and take a look.”. Snake dawn’s the space suit and helmet with a security cable attached to his belt that feeds through a side port along with his perpulsion exsoframe that allows him to move out in space. Once the small room is decompressed the exterior hatch is opened and Snake bounces out. “I see some small groupings of rocks,” Snake says on the com. Snake gets out about a hundred meters to a rock the size of a six drower dresser. He uses the mechanical claws on the exosuit to grab onto a convexed edges, then turns the rock slowly. “Guys, your not going to believe this.”

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We decided Alpha Sentara was north. The long blistering journey to cunduct business. The common quarters had screening walls for images not unlike a movie theater or TV. The idea being to set a landscape of world feeds of such a thing as a beautiful beach. As Snake, Mudd and Geni are watching a series of Earth shows that happen to be the Simpsons the screen started to flicker, then a scroll of text reading: fuk u fuck u fuk u… was repeatedly flashing in red & black. “That’s just great,” Snake stands and walks to the cpu terminal. “Yeah there is a feed comings in through the utility sensors. The local patrician has picked up an unaccountable file. My guess some rival miners in the area.”

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Snake enters Geni and his sleeping quarters were Geni is reading a book in bed. “Hey doll face what do you say we do it?“ “Do what?” “Make love.” Geni shrugs “You know I don’t like being touched.” “Yeah I know but I saw you in your leotard and thought how lucky I am to have you, and was getting an erection.” “That’s sweet, but I… well, I will make it up to you sometime.” Snake leaves the room. Geni and Snake don’t often make love and Snake’s marriage seems to be based on their business partnership just as much as anything else.

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Mudd notices how Snake will sleep until he has to wake to urinate. They decided to set their clock on Loudon time while in space. “Damb I see her in her leotard and it gets me hard,” Snake thinks but that is her aerobics hobby, not a fashion… Snake’s soliquise. Now there are would be lords in space and Snake has a hard time paying for the milky way solar system zoning rights and their ordinates. In the confusion of reaching free zones Snake finds a new space station on the fringe. Is it Barren? Snake decides to investigate.

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The dog’s smell very pungent and in the air, and then wouldn’t you know it Mudd shows up shit-faced saying “so you had to get the biggest bear.” “Yeah five clams.” They make their way to a Rockaway house rental. “Well geeze guys, oh golly geeze whiz, another day…” says Mudd. “Try reading a book for once in your life you sob.” “Thanks for the love asshole, back to space we go.“ The next day inside the space ferrying vessel it was tea time. Mudd approach to Snake.”So you think you have the guts, to do it with Geni? “what the hell where is that coming from?” “I just thought you wanted kids?””Yeah and a thing called romance you prick. Look we’ll figure something out. I would like you to stay out of this.”

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Snake Cosmic_pt. 3

Back on Earth we find our captain with his dame at Conney Island. Snake walks with adulation along side of Geni admist the carnival tents. “I’m gonna get you the biggest teddy bear no problem,” Snake says to Geni. “I’m on top of the world, baby! Here, look a ball toss at cans!” Snake like an stuburn ox digs into his back right pocket and pulls out his wallet and fingers his one dollar bills looking at the sign that reads: $5 dollars – 3 balls. Snake with a fist full of dollars lays $5 on the counter. A pale man with a black hood and cloak takes the money and places 3 soft balls on the counter. “Hit all 15 cans down and you get your pick of prizes,” says the shadowy man. The cans were stacked on a shelf in a triangle with five cans on the bottom row about 15 feet away. Snake tasting the win feeling all the love he thinks he will get from Geni confidently grabs the first ball and hurls it and knocks down one can on the left edge of the forth row. Seeing that these cans were weighted and locked in place began to feel deflated. “Hey guy that was a heater what the hell?” The man remained silent. In fact Snake wanted it so bad he felt some pain in his rotator cuff. Snake picks up ball number 2 and aims more down and to the right and throws a laser beam of a toss tight in the bottom middle and the ball strikes and bounces off of the can without knocking any over. Geni says, “look Snake it doesn’t matter the cans won’t fall.” “This is sick what the fuck?” Snake takes the last ball looks around with a dazed look and aims off target and throws way right hitting the bracket arm of the shelf and screw pops off on the connecting post and the right side of the shelf falls and the cans slide down in one piece and hit the ground. The man without saying anything hands him the biggest teddy bear to Snake. Snake then hands it to Geni. “Who do you love babe?”