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Your Vagina Your Choice_pt2


My twin self is my sex partner. I found it enjoyable but brief but was nice. The tracing of Joel has been traced to the Incas and yes there is almost a sesames connection. Reach out and grab it, it will be yours he has what he whishes. I would wonder about the drinks that the flooded brain fear secretion to see the dots of seeing for little my body has fed the ameba that likes the dread of panic while I’m more accustomed to despair.

My coder was a mantis. The go-getter team of aliens my friend. There are two planets I shall say that intrigue me though only one is spoken as Dathomir and is inhabited by witches though the fiction of it I’m not concerned with. The witchhead nebula writers may convey the plans NE Dathomir. The mantis may write to the unknown forbidden planet SW under Vrell control if not Krell.

Particle dust is a nano form of information. I have dice I have made but do not know that there weighted or nothing. Oh me so I made a perfect toss but missed the dead blacks did not help. I think my story has been prolonged in some unnecessary way. Are we trapped on this planet, world? If there is a map to heaven by ways of stars in space bridge the gap close the gap but there is a keep out sign probably. So tired of the ufo figure skating crap. Women are the biggest export of the planet but did that get better since last I heard of black guy who gets or use to be a led jaw flunky.

The grey’s hate my recordings. My soul say’s ++++ belongs to the lords or is what some synthetic intelligence has psychically communicated to me to the tune of no hope so cold in probability.

I uploaded my consciousness last night to what I’m imagining an external data base. It could use context relatable examples of thought and expression to my preferences. I could not really use the data base files to really find out any answers about anything. It was more like a virtual playground with a familiar cartoon show called adventure time as a template. It was different from dreaming it was just thought while I was resting. All this isn’t much different than imagination but it seemed more fluid and assisted.

I only wonder if this self-introspection as an adult will help any other as is my intent. The pharmaceutical lords which I have met one of their spokesmen’s before. She claimed that she did care about people. It is my belief that there is such a thing as bad medicine its most certainly isn’t an exact science. Why some people can’t be adjusted to levels of stress and anxiety as well as others I don’t know. All I need impart of my wisdom is feeling good is better than feeling bad. Some people fear other people and it comes down to control issues and putting people in a controllable state. How to actually heal people is the question that need be asked. The problem stems from how our society works on debt and the pressure to compete for one’s own preservation. It is a free for all society where everyone starts in different areas on the grid. So in the start it’s not fair do to what family you were born into. Most people have to fight for a life to have by no fault of their own difficult struggles and on top of that can have some shit luck with interactions as conforming to ideology of heard mentality.

A cosmic baby that never wants to travel back to Earth, where is he? Did he live within me at one time? My high thought is once you get out you never come back. That is what people don’t understand. How far out there did I send him? The hollow reservoir is my home now.
My twin self must be gone. For there is little for me to like as it seems. This obsession for things is what? Finding a way to be reasonably happy and content with my life and myself. The need to compartmentalize the operations of myself into spheres of needs makes it hard to transition from one to the other. Just be as annoying as hell to get to be alone with the tv. Demand that the other follow you commands. I knew I’ve seen demonic robot women before and it seems to me that this might be some of the software written to them the employment of evil and cruelty.
Great races, personality division, task management, & micro-thought.

I live and what be said about dirt, puke, farts, and masturbation. I have my ability and talent to make art and music so at least there’s that.
A simple happening of what is just small moments to find it not as bad as most of the times the will to find the sacral spirit.
21,000 years ago there was Atlantis and many colonies like it. Some people could help others find ways to feel good. It becomes hard to find those who can still help in this day and age. If a connection can be made with the spirit one might be lucky enough to know some form of I suppose freedom to mingle with others. This being a form of lucid dreaming, and when best a out of body experience for it to feel the most real. It is enjoyable but then becomes addictive to want that level of interaction it might be note worthy to say pencil and paper. So to say that reality becomes confusing if dreaming is more fulfilling then actual living. There seems to simply be more freedom in the dreams and with that a longing for a better reality.

God’s chariot was not of horse but of tiger companion and that of a companion that turned on him like to say you walk alone not on my back when they separated his spirit was torn that was his friend to a tiger a forest said in the woods your alone an none of animals eclipse you to an dark abyss though the abyss calls of more, more that wait to see the light oh dark with by god be slain the friends on the thin raft guess how we as child men act to the others our raft as dark as your pollution the fits with jump or belly up to now what beholds to befold us

A god tripped on a stone from another god So Slight to say your sightedness helps me to see without looking so… You know what I mean

God dam this, this isn’t about us, it’s about the people of us who lost they are.

care me say I

liste4n baphomet my friend he says, ‘god me you are against a man who would fuck his own mother god I say this is what your against my son yes ghost of me from el,. he offers me himself as a slave but he could only find me water as consolation.’

elohim said let me be green and the dead born arte yours alone heaven forges signatures