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Your Vagina your Choice

This selection of writing is of the express purpose to let the people who have fulfilled what any of the great authentic gods of mystery have requested of them. I will reference works with my own experience reading and practicing along with current ideas that will stimulate the future minds direction for positive growth for I say the time of present is in great disarray and may take more then my life can give. The foundation will be concerned with 3 categories positive, genuine, and negative-ness.

The alien messiah as a plan B. survey from people, “if it can get it done” says white women, “undecided” says white man, and “ probably not” says black man. You can thank the style of music know as “dub step” as a direct alien invention into the music culture. I dreamed last night of a train stop were people were getting off the train on the other side of a chain link fence among the crowd of people three short grey aliens dark almond eyes big cranium heads were walking along the humans and I don’t know if the trust was there yet I of course had someone with me a possible guide so to speak and I was still to observe but very much wanted to engage them and they knew it.

The culture composed of people places and things like sex to be an extension of love while I’d guess it has nothing to do with it anymore. Some people get sex playing the game or the dead to what they call the game while others simply are the game all like something to be won. Every action comes from some sort of combination of three places the first positive-ness a higher category of emotional interaction with oneself and others much like that of love kindness. Secondly, genuine-ness a simple authentic response to cause a impulse or motivation to do something and could very well turn towards evil in today’s society if it feels good do it sort of mentality and perhaps one can avoid the consequences. Thirdly, negative-ness possibly the best thing used as a tool that describes society as to make sense of it and is also the easiest trap to fall into and I’m sure it leads to death if it swallows the other two category relative-ness in ones living.

Where is my instinct? Mental illness is thinking creatively in some ways but today’s psychiatrists are trained to believe it is just biology. My action like myself is flawed with mistakes I’ve inherited. Moreover the hollow reservoir is my current lot as I will stay there as best I can as my higher self the adult child, the base self the child adult, and self the twin child of which my inner has left me to the cosmos in search for help from earth’s society. Beyond the fridge & toilet to furthermore taking showers and eating the reservoir of the hollow that only cosmic intervention can correct where it was society that was the cause of the problem. Maltreatment has sent part of my self away and I dwell with the other self from the hollow reservoir. The result of this is stunning the very soul is made dizzy as my personality becomes fragmented.

3 & 1. three dollars and one cent.. oh god why couldn’t I not dig deeper in my pocket it was right there the exact change.. You know of course this mind is preoccupied mainly with the concern of avoiding crashing into people paths as it seems clear to me that if I were like them we would all be bumping in to each other like stumbling zombies. It may be everyone against me or everyone for me [latin phrase]. Chance becomes the biggest agent to my life and what is to say about a living like that. It will leave you with nothing marriage wasn’t supposed to be decided in a casino as a sick way of describing gods will. Its not perfect here might be insight the artist always running from the wedding designs of some sort of contrived thought of perhaps an insomniac. A magic theory is someone has to miss so someone can make the trick a pile of shit but like a batting average that the numbers may be perfect in describing math.

Back to the topic of the “guy who doesn’t get it” will be written in a locked up book as the solution to fix what for me has been a horrendous life of boredom, stagnation, and atrophy. Ironically society has no way of fixing the people who don’t get it, but to my dismay cause problems it can’t fix because the gaps of intellect of people spread out through history not being heard left only as hollow gestures. Now comes the idea of outside help and would one accept it? I’m personally glad not to have an inner telephone line to Satan but could see where that could be helpful. At what lengths would the one who does not get it go to act in a fury of creative cries such of that he might go beyond the doctrines of waiting for Jesus to fix everything who must of known the problems that would remain on Earth in his stay.

I’m bored help me it wasn’t always worth the time a great shame like were waiting for you some did and it can be worked up to the belief solidifies more in some then others but I would image great preparation. The intervention of a contact of mine reports experiments with minimal casualties and seamless passing wow. Some floating heads shit. Reptile penis call it lizard like and how are we supposed to do it Egyptian magic, miracles, and aliens.

A person who just does things from a place of automatic back and forth. For example smoking cigarettes how is it if worth it if your not doing heavier drugs then just to waste time. I have five days left before my flight back to Minnesota from Portland with an almost empty pack (and have had some enjoyment smoking some of it) I had bought after a night I don’t remember even buying in the first place or making it back to my apartment only to wake up with puke on the wood floor as I had a small black out. I want to be healthy but that seems like a guy who has sex with his girlfriend every night trying to go for the high score or something. Jesus likes the video game Mario and the anti Christ likes the game yo noid. That’s what I get for looking for friends advice become a wino or enjoy fake progress like saving yoshi and eating pizza. A gentlemen tried with what I would say some success putting a spell of me to not enjoy smoking. I wonder what’s next a long career of playing at if I had the money thinking type of thing could be more comfortable or as sheens says (with a good heart and honoree mischievous devil) “it moves things” along to what a number game $15,000 of debt attached to my name that some funeral end game would be cleared stab at a life objective and yes perhaps get laid and have friends.

I have trouble with my hands.. but more importantly I need a U ship as a long term goal. The gov. should know that I have had communication with to date with 3 generals. I shall give you the name Rend the name was hard for me to remember so I wrote it down. The other 2 I shall keep to myself for the time being. Yes I am bored so this is less structured but want to feel that I in some way am important.

I don’t like black men they seem to be some thing not like the other races like its hard to say and white women hear the frog and become mesmerized by rap especially the young and dumb and I don’t know how they live with themselves because I would say there letting the white race down but that’s just me. On that note look for my new song I will begin to compose soon called ‘blue eyes white dragon 3.’

Those w they would pay like Jesus did that like a mother, cook, and whore was all that a holy person needed in life baby fantasy aside. The world is flooded with insects like black people am I close.

The chance turn of events was not staggering it was more.. To be located so overwhelming with the utmost detachment in other words more over and again as once before so again but to last what chance. How consciousness is a radiating peanut butter sandwich that must be it. Maybe I might be able to comprehend the mind of white women, but first must say that I am a white man of the age of 28 and as so will explain something easy since about middle school I started noticing women’s bodies to be attractive notably boobs and butts. This shouldn’t be all that shocking I hope to my readers. My ability to act or take the actions in sharing I would say God’s intensions to make a genuine connection with such of my liking has not been easy. I find that when I go looking for pictures or video of such things to my liking I try as I will to be attracted to the soft cloud like variety but can’t seem to use the internet safely. I see that a large part of content seems (and let me try to be a detective here) a way of saying fuck God like a blazing whore story of the worst part of the bible where a women (and think of themes here are important) seem to suggest as a societal means of entering there presumed right a contest of their bodies same as a story in Rome how perversely they can simply like forget about (the blush hint) and initiated themselves to damnation of flesh. A women thinks I have to say in a way that they hate themselves and god to the extreme. It seems like evil rears its ugly head again some satire that never was in good taste because I can only guess they are lost nihilist to say more correctly as far as I can seek out the worst of human behavior this might be it. I do this simply because it need be written I hate blacks having sex with whites. I’ve become implanted and encoded with these morals that I accepted that like do I think I’m going to have courage to deny what I truly feel. No. It is but for me to say these things and offend many. Society says I can fuck off and die but they wont get kids from me saying I have to take the chance as in my time that to be cool with America you have to be a sex slave to the blacks I simply will hate on strong. When did we lose to be cursed to live where blacks are white women’s fantasy? Others must have been implanted and encoded from a different source in the face of the bullshit that we’re all the same I presume not. Take a number I guess.

Less than a guy who can live like this I am child with the influence of quit deities. I can only imagine they have limitless patience a kind of doing time dance or vacation thought that might be the best of human life. Why so frightened who writes my messages? Did I say to much? I will be taking a U ship to the white house’s front lawn in the stay of Jesus so don’t be surprised. I’m so close really you must be a loveless person to think so. Us without top military clearances like to think we can be involved how stupid right? I have been tagged by whisperers to say who got here first. What am I to think if I been contacted by deities like having endless patience. Learn to be a saint or adopt a outlook of stupidity that is to say get into the rat race all money that can save the stupid who have an aversion to being deep to a core of where they can never face there own mind of Mona lisa.

A person who never can admit something that wasn’t there idea first to the core of all action a control freak in the utmost and likes to fuck things up. Always in need of being “sedated” or giving orders to say in other words the one who came up with the plan of action “to have a say” fuck you war lord cause of chaos and a genuine love for disruption of peace so fucking to the core maybe unbeknownst to herself a true freak of opposite and never lose to save evil ends as a victim and will always lie to oneself and more to others my mom save grace.

It doesn’t take a genius to know you been got too. who got me then? The mischievous moon perhaps. A tangled web of creatures in her influence and my friends with their holograph technology like their couch time or sitting at the table. Survivors do what you want but we must consult the oracle… how close can you get. The ones that died young were on the hunt for it. Whatever it was. The queen who rules without a king is really unhappy for she is not made for making deals she is the heavenly treasure being sold as a consolatory gesture of loss of grace and the purer higher heaven must not be known about. What do you want to live in the jungle or something do you think you could handle it and embrace the chaos. Like I guess Im going outside poor night if you did think about the psychologically fool you are yourself and everything there is to make the job doable. I suppose never ending rehearsal to that to me a never ending grocery list.

How much of your time is just getting through? Like to say zombie ideal living until you get that brain that is. Whomever and mostly people who do have the commonality of what is silly-absolute happiness at 23 years of age or nothing like it was mapped to be a huge control freak by 30 I will have my second car for weekends and a refinanced mortgage on my new house. Do you think you can understand any of it being genuine love or are you a hate freak? The latter. That’s what being an adult is… so close. (They shut down my hate rant crap) mind block. Maybe have a smoke and think of something that is not like beamed into my head but a change of neural activity to make your veins pulsate underneath your wrists.

What do you remember? I want to talk to you. I have that one story I sell. I must admit I like to try to get to that dangerous area but its not like it will happen. Life conditions there really isn’t any that I know of. Why recycle what you know? I was asked where was my instinct was and I replied I’m afraid of the unknown. The skill you have and I will say is your communication your unique communication. My thin raft. Do you at least know where it came from? The multiplicity or reason absolute reason. I did have a large group of what I suspect human people in the arts in some new age contact or some really weird encounters not often I was properly talked to but had to send a twinkling light to lipeka. There was an opening and maybe that says something about you rightfully so are afraid and its not enjoyment in being ‘innocent’ but the fear of well something that was funny afterwards like rhino dude probably but interesting. I was once trapped in a tent but that’s another story… a hazy tent or different locations I like to think I could map out dream locations in the real world as they overlap cool.

A horrendous truth. That can only be described as industrial level joy in disgust. There is a separation for actual conduct with people and the camera. Turn it around when your ready… it seems cursed from both sides. Real life and simulation and enough of my dissimulation by the way. I think that it is in hand but relates to the other. what we see mostly is through the camera now more then ever and that is what the blacks have learned to invest much in. Ether white women love blacks or porn industries think people want to see blacks have sex with white women. Am I crazy? This of course means I have used the internet to try to see adult material that is mixed up with porn but what I would say should be separate and different. Like do people like to watch black guys having sex with white women for there own enjoyment? I think porn means you don’t give a fuck about anything and think that your body must make you a god. Like getting a picture on top of mount Rushmore would make you king of the united states like the idea of sex power and subjugation. Worrying about living one’s life yes but fucking ones neighbor because of you have freedom I get it just don’t cram it down my throat. A simple concept. I am white and would like to be with a white female because that is my natural inclination. Why is it the same inclination that blacks want to get with white women instead of black women. Am I beating you over the head with what is going on? The more I think of it its like white women are really fucked up like hating there fathers or something.
wo dance me yes for the arch me drink penis sheds light to fire the quilt chourur swooping my happy time no not alwas false that was a snare. my best friend stop typing let them contribute