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I was just called a racist the other day
A friend of mine and I have been talking over the phone once a month or so for maybe a year talking about music mostly. So he understands I don’t like rap because of how successful it is in enthralling women in my opinion. I would also mention that country music does the same thing. So, over the phone our last talk he calls me a racist at least twice at the latter part of a long conversation in a fashion of intervention saying that it is unacceptable. I argued with him that I am talking about my thoughts/theories on the music as stated before, and the fact I was just playing cards with a black guy and also had a black friend and others hang out with me over a year at a different apartment. I asked him how many black guys he has been hanging out with since he went all Martin Luther King on me, and wouldn’t answer.
I think I made him understand it’s not a good idea to call someone racist because I stood up for myself and give everyone a fair shot. I have had my artistic opinion expressed as someone who makes music, and somehow it became about me being a racist. Are all rappers black? Are all country singers white? No.