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Little_wolf part 2

TV does not think so. She beleaguer’s the beach surroundings, taunting, and flaunting her… well female parts scantily clad bra, shirt, and shorts. The summer was long and Jr was not the dad to some rag tag crew of hippie seamen and they no longer called him captain. Wolf as this is about him seems to be happy where ever he is like he has the ‘get out of jail’ free card. The unceremoniously sumarian not so good it seems to bind these fools once again to the ocean.

Sister has found witch craft fascination and Jr Fears she no longer has respect for him, in fact he is certain. She seems to gravitate to places such as Paris, in those places et cetera. “Pre-minnoctus abhorrium pendulum chimera chiro, black & blue and white all over,” she says. Toward the end you’ll agree. Sister waits for a distant need be happening to occur like a child.

For some reason the characters became anti establishment and lived wasted scared of their past regret and future worry. Wolf had felt good about being a beach bum collecting change for dorritos and liquor. He was in the Caribbean living his life in the sun. Jr was trying to find Jesus for vengeance. His saintly anger was amazing. How to unite these friends from the seventies with their birthday’s all being the same, the fourth of July.

The life was a living hell for the limbic person who wished to dream. When it comes to ravaging the soul look no further. “They turned on me,” Jr laments. “Got to get them together and buy an island.” First he has to save Sister from her enthrallment to fashion and bring her into education, the real world. “Those God dam pairs, the mover and shakers. Forgive me.” Jr was on pirate radio broadcasting to your address and he’s got your fucking number!

He awakes in his bed, zap! The fraction of day begins. “Listen! Bret we tempted the sea and lost, now through me unto me were hidden in caves waiting for the herd assination.” “What are you talking about,” says Bret on the Com radio. “Don’t make me say it again you devil!, we lost!” It was in-fighting. Jr was lying in a bed of sin and “snakes” his cosmic langum. Those dark eyes she makes me do the leviathan my… Wife

The captain quarters on the USS Denver were modest, but nice. He, believe it or not could do most things himself as long as he had his radio with Bret and Matt to guide him along he was OK. Time to plow some water to France. A lot of holding the wheel and looking in front of himself…

Jesus shows up in Jr’s boat! “Holiness it’s God!” Jr says amazed. “Jr your right eye belongs to me, and you know that’s my blood you’ve been drinking.” “I’m taking the wheel, I’m captain now!” Jesus says. “Any questions?” “Hmm ah, I can’t think of anything, I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” “The dark forces are endangering us all, I thought you could use my help.” “I could use the help, of course.”

“Where is the sun today, the clouds,” says Wolf. “Just a glimmer.” It’s a race to France, but Wolf was left in the Caribbean. To turn back would be what’s the line, oh yes tedious. This unfortunate lack of foresight is hard to reconcile. “OK, send Wolf on a helicopter and we’ll meet him half way, to save time,” says Jesus. “Good thing this boat has a helipad on it. Jr has inherited enough money to keep them going. Jr gets on the Com in morning when gets some coffee, and makes it happen by spending a lot on credit to get Matt and Brett to make the arrangements. Women scorned, Devil born Man bent, hell sent.

Corroborate a bullshit story, it must be post 2014 and these seventies kids must be old, but they had been traveling through the Bermuda triangle so time is irrelevant now, and I’m not even sure this is Earth as we know it. Earlier. “Don’t worry I won’t tell him you asked,” Brett says to TV. “Get in the fucking bird TV,” says Wolf. “This is not some silversuns pickups music video you bitch Jr is obviously pissed he spent a lot of loot to get us back to the sea.” Back in the boat. Jr is unable to hold a conversation with Jesus, but they got used to strong winds outside, but the wind passed inside by the two men was even worst. “It’s not so bad,” says Jesus the Master, but the truth was the captain’s deck was uninhabitable for the feint of heart.

“Before time where we, began, men,” Jesus preaches. “Mysticism is a dance, rack the brain and shake the soul! Jr says. “Maybe…” “Jr you are a man of wisdom,” says the master” Then let me say, I understand completely, with your past that is not, and speak to the spirits of the earth for not, void reason, give into it. All leader’s have ‘dragon poison” as it has been for long and yes, not. Author note. This, this I have not pleasure in arrogance like they need.

This isn’t sorcery not, but debotary “Get a B.” At this point their both wasted. “looks drizzly… some river sand… for TV.” “You have a crush on her?” Jesus asks Jr. “If there is; it has passed, now that two devils play the drums.” “Are you nuts?” “But there’s more… So a lot’s of interesting anticdole crap!” “Let’s go fishing,” Jesus says with a big sigh. Soon…

The next day. “Where closing in on your coordinates Jr,” the helicopter pilot says. Jr from his bed responds on his Com, “Oh good, I’ll see you on the deck.” The bird lands shortly on the helipad on the stern. “Glad to see you!” As they make there way to the captains deck Wolf says, “How long have you been out here all alone.” I have a person here with me you would not believe.” They find the ship empty. “He was here, the savior, he was going to captain us to France.” Now what brazen tenacity does Jr and his sea fancy have to say such things?

TV’s wearing some short shorts and Jr notices her fanny. “I mean, yeah Jesus was here, here in spirit, that’s what I meant all along guys, says Jr. “We head to France to save Sister from trending fashions. I heard she’s into whips and chains and things so we got to save her you guys.” “I actually don’t think that’s a problem, “ says wolf. “Oh I mean yeah sure me either it’s just chains and whips are expensive. Meanwhile in France Sister looks into her crystal ball. “Try as you will Jr you can’t stop me. France is mine! For thy shall have their Queen rule in her beauty! (beauty is a French word),” and she starts waving her hands over the crystal ball sending storms towards are hero’s.

Secretly Jr knew he could use Jesus’s help, but decided he’d have to do things, like all men have too… himself. The dying process, like hell we’ll accept it it in the face of nature, but inside they all craved it. This crew of salty dogs and helicopter pilots now brace for the weather heading their way. “Make sure the whirly bird’s locked down, it’s going to get bumpy,” Jr says. Soon the clouds move in and everything darkens like thousands of bats. Wolf lights his cigar, “Your move lady confusion.”

Less archaic or else the the rain may have us. “Less them more you; Wolf, take the wheel while me and TV have a drink,” says Jr. In dismay Jr see’s; in his glory, Jesus moon-walking on the water. To have something to live for, the last temptation. A woman cannot give you meaning in your life and you know that personally, so death we call mother, sin’s keeper. He obviously had in roads and dances with your frustration in endless patience. TV the impediment of the times I want to gnaw on your fucking bones, alas white as snow holliness and sacril. “So you can trust the moon to lie, her nature.”

“Yes, this is the way of acceptance, the long game most care not alas! We suffer our sentinel got lost misplaced perhaps,” say’s the helicopter pilot. “What the fuck no one asked you,” say’s wolf. “Hey no one ever asked me?” “If no one dies what do we care?” Sensation, exploration, and the prime directive play, record, stop kill the fun MTV. The cancer of it all. Author note. Be the change and let me go to work you fucking vampires, may the Lord of spirits strike me dead. I know the pieces fit/

As below so above, and again as before and before as again, twice. The half truth. The helicopter pilot retorts “where did you get your arrogance wolf.” “I’m no hippie asshole!” The two seem to be bonding. The weapon known as Jesus Jr wields to his pure happenstance. TV is by Jr soaked and childish with breaking through the storm, though she had fallen down during the debacle and Jr falls to delight and splender. The amorphous seven on call, it’s s been said and now their dead.

Janus the portal guard of old. “Oh lanoo I got you now,” Jr says. Word came in that sister is in Paris. “OK crew gather up! We will be coming to Port soon. I will be getting some aged ham, cheese, wine, and other provisions please make a list of reasonable requests.” “A suitcase packed with speedos please,” says wolf. “Haha you lady killer.” Jr will be going in alone to find the hip hop queen of France. Sister senses that the jig is up, that she was praying to Juno that she could just live away from the salty dogs to be married to some famous rapper. Why Jr tries to get to her is not clear.

In his garb, he walks. Jr in cognito like the frog stalk’s a misquote. If the lesson kills you was it worth it, all human kind. Some one will pick it up and run with, not you. “I don’t want to battle her every night, bitch, dick lord to the elderly.” Jr fumes his frustration. He’s close, and has to psych himself up. She’s close.

It’s dead. Just some way we all got played and leveraged. His almost unlimited affinity for the struggle. Was Jr duck hunting? Sacrilegious idea? He returns to his boat with a few less bullets. Wolf and TV get special yarn to weave a tapistry. They both return to the boat, “so did you find her?” “No, I wish I never came here.” “let’s play the cover song creep, am I right.” “I wish I was special…”