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“Where is Frog?“ Geni asks. “He had to go chill out,” Snake answers. “Let’s get this over with Mudd’s starting to smell.” “Let’s go to CANIS MAJOR,” Geni says. Snake enters the coordinates. “We have a short while to prepare, and what I plan and what potentially happens aren’t always exactly similar.” Snake arms himself with some gear: mining explosives, 30-30 Winchester lever-action rifle, and a 22 pistol a very good gun for pounding nails all day. Saturn comes around, Snake softly puts his hand on Geni’s shoulder. “I’m choosing to go it alone Geni. I need you to stay with the ship.” Snake opens the Com to the pirate ship that was surly waiting for them to arrive. “Hello Snake, perhaps we could talk in person,” say’s the Masked Dub. “Gladly, I will be docking shortly.” Snake moves to the air lock with a business trench coat and strapped. The air lock opens and the port way is empty. Snake decides to draw his rifle and stands and looks through his iron sites at each corner of the vestibule. He in some swat move creeps in. As he get’s closer he smells the stench of Dub’s leashed dog, the Lizard to the left. He takes the corner and pumps two rounds from his hip. The shots are spread in the room and he looks to the right side corner and Lizard sprang up on him so as to disarm Snake. He quickly drops his rifle and shows his hands and the brute says, “You packed your bags asshole,” in a snarl. Snake kicks the rifle to him then reaches into his coat and unloads the clip into pale scaley reptilian. The hits were all over the torso and only made the reptilian mad. Snake runs into the room away from Lizard and jumps over a counter. “I got a shit ton of explosives that can blow apart an asteroid of any composition. What do you think it will do to you asshole!“ Snake had nowhere as much powerful explosives as he bluffs. “You die too,” Lizard responds. Snake reloads and primes an hand sized explosive set to blow on a timer to make the situation even worse sets it on top of the counter. Lizard rushes Snake and he got only a couple of shots before he would be ripped apart. He has his gun right in front of his face and with adrenaline he pops off four rounds into the cranium mushrooming and fragmenting into the brains as lizard jumps counter landing on Snake as the sound of four pangs muffled in to a body followed by silence. Snake heaves and military presses the body off him then grabs his rifle. “Five minutes is all I need,” Snake says to himself and starts into a jog. Kicks into a button on a door panel the cockpit doors open guns drawn. “It’s not personal Dub it’s you or Mudd.” “I know the Count used some of your crystals against you.” The Schell of the android opens up in the head and the tiny alien in a chair says. “Well Mudd is very gifted.” “How do you want me to do it?” “Down with the ship, I guess.” The ship is gonna be blow I’ve left explosives throughout the the ship. I guess you should be sprinting again. Yeah, captain my captain. Snake bolts out. With the timer running dangerously low. They detach from the pirate ship. Then the ship blows and its debris becomes a ring of saturn.