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The mire of geni’s affection to the people had made the night what it was. Snake found waiting on Barren space rescue seems like it will never come. The tribe didn’t give a shit about our feeling as bad as the mind to think of life. Thank God it’s all a contest to be won living not learning, stop learning start living if only, but we could fish for the next half of the long wait. Lots of death thinking how the women all pray to corpses and the fire. So things were ok for them. It’s like this place was meant for Mudd. He cot the biggest fish and the men ate it. No women to be had here but geni, and it seems she knows more about this place then she let’s on.

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The buzzing of night was loud. Nature’s white noise, perhaps this planet’s cicada song. They were able to get food and drink for their hunger and thirst. There were several cots under a straw roof hoisted by nets tied from tree to tree somehow primative and interesting. It was obvious there were other beings that were responsible for the guests warm reception. Hidden limbs and hive mind was clearly in play here, some mother of all and ancient. They slept eventually into what is sleep that was never a guarantee.

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Snake approaches first with a raised hand. “Greetings, we come in peace.” The ferver of the thin men is at a high, they continue with their dancing. “Look were trying to to find supplies we’re stranded.” The chant loudens “who who who!” Geni notices the blood on the ground they are dancing around and the chief declares, “this is my universe!” Geni whispers to Snake, “They worship the blood God, and their burning animals they sacrifice.” “OK friends oocka boocka or what ever.” The chief responds angerly, “I observe the edge of the universe no one goes beyond! You stay here and I say when you leave.” “better do what he says,” says Geni. Mudd takes out a flask and tips it back, “well good.”