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The boat sits asunder at the port docked. Jr can’t believe he got snaked by TV and wolf they left in the night. Jr’s on KP. “Time to get things in order,” Jr says. He has to start to find charters and some new game on fishing. Indian Ocean. “What the heck kind of food am going to find here, dead cats dead rats!” “Bunch of rice on the cheap for provisions I guess.” “It’s about my time I get R&R if Guitar was not such a slippery first mate.” Bret has hardly lined anything up for Jr in business. “One is the breath the other is the lung when netsah and tiffereth in gypsy math,” says Matt on the radio. “Where’s Bret, I’m behind on business deals,” says Jr. “I’ll patch him in.” “Bret here.” “I having a hard time here Bret.” “Yeah well you only pay me B team money.”