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Murky Mysticism

“Murky Mysticism”

~Note, this is a message of unclear statements best suited for those that can handle uncomfortable ideas about human experience. Do not continue to read if psychologically burdened.

I have so much confusion and uncertainty in my life. I can’t really believe anything anymore.  All of us that have this condition and are unhappy with our conclusions that for a span of years we are living in question with an existence problem, then we die.  The living question is why do we exist, and the existence problem is what we have to do.  Did some sort of supreme consciousness bring matter into existence to use us to teach about something, some supreme lesson?  How is the existential meaning of life thereby affect us to give life meaning without habitually playing some sort of make-believe?  The law of conservation of mass states that matter is neither created nor destroyed.  We’ve been recycled, but a supreme consciousness may be seen as being space surrounding matter in the universe.  Our mind is related of matter the same as the mind is part of the body.  How then is it possible to correspond to anything that is virtual, not real?

The lack of true understanding leads us to have to make things up all the time and there are a lot of people out there willing to do that. The simple joys of being lost in space.  Depending on who you are that may or may not bother you.  How I image space is to be the ultimate peace.  There are things that look good on paper or sound good in your head, like good is good, and I’m an idiot not a moron, but to assert that you have to make sure you have no idea what you are saying.  Those are some of the most mystical experiences to share in.  That we all don’t know what we are doing.